September 3,
2014 by in Designer Weekly
Currey & Co. will be hosting a fundraising reception for the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island Design Project later this month.
September 3,
2014 by in Designer Weekly
William Li has been named president of Ralph Lauren Home.
September 3,
2014 by in Business Strategy, Industry, Motion Upholstery, Product
Upholstery producer United Furniture Inds. is in the midst of expanding its operations in Winston-Salem and plans to create 200 new jobs and invest $5.2 million over the next three years.
September 3,
2014 by in High Point, Industry, Licensing, Market
Designer Bradshaw Orrell is designing a collection of furniture, lighting, artwork and decorative accessories for Chelsea House for introduction at the Fall High Point Market.
September 3,
2014 by in Business Strategy, Industry, Motion Upholstery, Product, Recliner
Motion upholstery and recliner producer HomeStretch will add 60 jobs at its Nettleton, Miss., factory with a 60,000-square-foot expansion.
September 3,
2014 by in Bedroom, Industry, Legal, Product, Sourcing / Importing
The U.S. Department of Commerce has imposed a 216.01 percent "all-China" duty rate on 2012 shipments of wooden bedroom furniture from the People's Republic of China.