January 25,
2016 by in Industry, Special Events
The East Coast snowstorm Jonas brought havoc to many traveling for the Las Vegas Market over the weekend.
January 25,
2016 by in Las Vegas, Market
Looking for an alternative to the Las Vegas Market shuttles, limos and cabs?
January 22,
2016 by in Business Strategy, Industry
Mattress supplier Kingsdown opened its first branded retail showroom in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
January 22,
2016 by in Executive Changes, Industry
Fabric supplier Culp (NYSE: CFI) has named Fred Jackson to its board of directors.
January 22,
2016 by in Industry, Special Events
Surya has secured its position on Houzz’s 2016 Best of in the design category for the third consecutive year.
January 21,
2016 by in Financial Reports, Industry
Bassett Furniture Inds. (NASDAQ: BSET) reported net income of $5.7 million for the fourth quarter ended Nov. 28 compared to net income of $3.6 million in the same quarter the previous year.