September 15,
2015 by in Industry, Special Events
Protect-A-Bed has joined forces with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America again for a fall edition of the Clean Up and Win sweepstakes.
September 15,
2015 by in Financial Reports, Industry
Activist shareholder Sandell Asset Management Corp. has nominated a six-candidate slate for election to the Ethan Allen (NYSE: ETH) board of directors, setting the stage for a cantankerous proxy battle.
September 15,
2015 by in Economic News, Industry
U.S. retail sales climbed 0.2 percent in August, indicating domestic demand, according to the Commerce Department.
September 15,
2015 by in Green, Industry, Product, Upholstery
Upholstery producer Lee Inds. has been awarded the Gold Exemplary Recognition by the Sustainable Furnishings Council.
September 15,
2015 by in Industry, Mattresses, Product, Web Retail
Houston-based Mattress Firm Holding Corp. (NASDAQ: MFRM) will launch The Dream Bed, a bed-in-a-box brand, online Oct. 1 to kick off a nationwide mattress donation effort.
September 14,
2015 by in Economic News, Industry
As the housing industry continues to bounce back after the recession, the price of homes has skyrocketed 34 percent in seven years.
September 14,
2015 by in Furniture Retailing, Industry, Legal
The Pennsylvania Attorney General has settled with a furniture retailer accused of taking money from consumers for purchases and then not delivering.