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Ingka Group Supports Global Coalition for Paris Agreement

Ingka Group, the largest IKEA retailer, is supporting a global coalition of NGOs, businesses, cities, regions, and philanthropies encouraging governments to align their upcoming national climate plans with the Paris Agreement’s target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. The new coalition called “Mission 2025” was launched during London Climate Action Week. 

The statement was initiated and co-signed by global non-profit organizations The B Team, We Mean Business Coalition, Climate Group, C40, and Groundswell, among others, ahead of a February 2025 deadline when countries are required to submit enhanced climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions) to the United Nations for the period 2025-2035, ahead of COP30 negotiations.  

“As a business, we have a key role to play in creating a net-zero society that is just and fair for all. For businesses and society to move quickly, we need ambitious targets by Governments – backed by clear plans and ensuring a just transition for all. With only five years left to reach the Paris Agreement, we need Governments to drive ambitious action in their climate plans and enable businesses to accelerate action,” says Karen Pflug, Chief Sustainability Officer, Ingka Group.

The aim and ambition of Mission 2025 is to respond to a new analysis by the Energy Transitions Commission that shows that rapidly falling costs of clean technologies and proven feasibility of other solutions mean that countries can collectively almost triple. The call to action has already gained support from Christiana Figueres (Co-Founder Global Optimism), Simon Stiell (Executive Secretary UN Climate Change), Helen Clarkson (CEO of Climate Group) and Peter Bakker (President and CEO World Business Council for Sustainable Development).  

As a multinational business operating in 31 countries, Ingka Group is committed to the Paris Agreement and to contribute to limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. In November 2023, the company strengthened its climate targets in alignment with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Corporate Net-Zero Standard.

These targets were approved by SBTi in April 2024. This includes a commitment to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions from the value chain by at least 50% by FY30 (compared to FY16 baseline) and reach net zero emissions by 2050, without relying on carbon offsets to meet these absolute reduction targets.  

“The climate crisis can only be solved by working together, across companies, sectors, industries, and borders. Now is a critical time for policy makers and businesses to accelerate the transition by implementing the right policies, financing frameworks, and partnerships to move at speed and scale,” says Karen Pflug, chief sustainability officer, Ingka Group.

To enable the transformation across society, Ingka Group welcomes the following actions from governments: 

  • Increase greenhouse gas reduction targets in line with the 1.5°C target to halve emissions by 2030 and reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest. 
  • Set short and long-term policies within their NDCs in line with the 1.5°C target to finance and accelerate the transition to renewable energy, circular economy, as well as sustainable transport, food systems, reducing food waste, agriculture, and forestry.   
  • Accelerate the renewable energy transition and phase out fossil fuels that still account for most of the energy demand. Invest in necessary infrastructure and streamline permitting processes to enable businesses and people to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions faster. 

Related links: 

  • Why we advocate for a net zero world – To read more information on Ingka Group’s climate advocacy and policy asks, please go to the climate advocacy page on here: Climate change advocacy | Ingka Group 

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