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Wayfair Commits to Achieving Zero Waste by 2030

Two years ago, Wayfair set their first public goal of reducing the Scope 1 & 2 emissions by 63% by 2035.

This year, Wayfair has announced the second goal: achieving zero waste across all global operations by 2030. This means taking a comprehensive approach to minimizing waste and diverting 90%+ of waste away from landfills and incineration, aligning with the Zero Waste International Alliance's standards.

Transitioning towards a more circular economy is central to Wayfair’s sustainability journey. This involves integrating returns and damage prevention into the core business practices, enhancing recyclability of packaging, and systematically reducing waste throughout operations.

“As a proponent of Sustainability efforts in our Operations, I’m thrilled about this commitment,” said Sascha Hower, vice president global supply chain. “Zero waste is truly a win-win approach, enhancing operations efficiency, reducing costs, and promoting corporate responsibility.”

While the zero waste goal is new, Wayfair has already been hard at work making important progress towards making sustainability goals a reality. Some of the key achievements from last year include:

  • In 2023, diverting 42% of operational waste globally from landfills and incineration through proactive measures such as prevention, donation, and recycling initiatives. This includes a Styrofoam recycling pilot in our Jacksonville, FL facility, where products are inspected and assembled for customers, Styrofoam is removed from packaging, and taken back to their facilities for recycling.
  • 90% recyclability has been achieved for packaging purchased by Wayfair in 2023, including products like cardboard boxes, honeycomb wrap, paper-based fillers, and paper mailers.
  • Inspection services that ensure products reach customers in optimal condition have been rolled out, reducing damage and increasing customer satisfaction. This includes delivering products in a ready-to-use state and bringing the packaging materials back to Wayfair facilities for responsible recycling.
  • Three Wayfair outlets have been launched which offer customers an ever-changing inventory of new, returned, and slightly blemished items. Customers can enjoy deep discounts on these products while giving them a second life.

In the short-term, Wayfair is focused on expanding recycling programs across all global facilities for every major waste stream. Long-term, they have committed to re-evaluating waste-generating processes and adopting unique approaches for products that are historically more challenging to recycle.

“We are so proud that Wayfair is making this long-term commitment, which marks our intention to contribute to the circular economy,” said Wayfair’s Head of Sustainability & ESG, Anna Vinogradova. “We believe that this goal is ambitious but attainable, and we will learn a lot along the way.”

Learn more about Wayfair’s initiatives and commitments in the 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report, which details their efforts.

Photo: “Jacksonville’s Styrofoam densifying pilot was an exciting moment for our facility to come together and try something new for the good of our planet,” said Gretchen Conkey, Site Director of our Jacksonville Fulfillment Center. “We are thrilled that the pilot succeeded, and our learnings will be rolled out to other Wayfair operations. Our operational team was so excited to be a part of recycling this Styrofoam into usable products that can have another life.”

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