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Giorgetti Group Shares Their 2022 Sustainability Results

Production of energy from renewable sources, reduction of the carbon footprint, supply chain sustainability, traceability of materials, respect for the core values of diversity, inclusion and equality: the Giorgetti Group reconfirms its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Giorgetti continues its path in the sustainability field, increasingly integrating it into company management as a fundamental driver of growth with the intention of setting new eco standards.

Sustainability is not a new concept for Giorgetti, which throughout its 125 years of history has made the protection of the territorial ecosystem a fundamental element in guaranteeing its capacity for renewal, longevity,  and value creation.

On these assumptions, the fourth edition of the Sustainability Report was drawn up to share with stakeholders the result of the economic, social and environmental responsibility performance achieved during 2022.

"Even in 2022 Giorgetti has renewed its commitment in the field of sustainability with a concrete project aimed at improving the quality of urban areas and tackling climate change. In line with the objectives defined by the management, the Giorgetti Group perseveres in its path of sustainability: in addition to the guidelines in place aimed at reducing the pollution generated by the company's processes, the Group has launched an initiative to repopulate the woods in the Meda area,” explained Giovanni del Vecchio, CEO of the Giorgetti Group.

“A tangible environmental intervention on the local territory, an opportunity for external and internal communication of the objectives of the company's environmental policies, a step towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 defined by the United Nations.”

This path is the result of the attitude to continuous improvement that has always distinguished Giorgetti, and in particular of the attention and respect for the 'Environment', understood in its broadest sense, which the brand has been achieving concretely for many years through initiatives in the area.

A tangible commitment, made up of targeted actions, identified by the company in its Sustainability Plan, a document subdivided into four thematic areas, “Economic and governance responsibility,” “Responsibility towards people,” “Environmental responsibility,” and “Product responsibility,” which outlines the strategic

guidelines to guide and support the Group's activities with the aim of constantly improving its performance in order to significantly contribute to the achievement, by 2030, of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the objectives for sustainable development indicated by the United Nations.

Among the most relevant data in 2022,  the clearly improved economic performance compared to the previous year. In fact, the Giorgetti Group continued to increase Its turnover with +40% in production value compared to 2021, from 58 million to 81 million Euro, thanks to a rapid and constant recovery of incoming order flows, in almost all geographical areas.

This positive result allowed the Group to continue investing in expanding the product range, in commercial and promotional policies to improve the performance of the various distribution channels, and in brand development activities.

A central theme for the Group's activities is the sustainability of the supply chain and production processes, which implies extreme care in the selection of suppliers providing the raw materials used for its products and consisting mainly of wood, fabrics, leather and hide.

Giorgetti also carries out an increasingly careful search for wooden raw materials from forests managed according to strict environmental standards (FSC®–Forest Stewardship Council) and has formalized guidelines on the use and processing of materials. These include the use of wood composite materials free of or within a defined range of formaldehyde emissions and water-based wood stains.

Fundamental attention is paid to human capital, which sees the Group committed on a daily basis to promoting respect for the fundamental values of diversity, inclusion and equality, developing and enhancing the unique value that each employee represents. The company also continues to promote initiatives to support the local professional school system.

The Group is also committed to pursuing its activities with respect for the protection of the environment , concretely improving its impact on it. This translates into a series of actions aimed at eliminating and concretely mitigating environment dl impacts, analyzing, identifying and reducing the most impactful activities, also with the help of specialized external consultants.

In 2022, energy consumption related to the Giorgetti Group's activities is 11,827 GJ, a clear decrease (42%) compared to the previous year ‘despite a broader recovery of activities and production.

This is thanks to a photovoltaic system in the Battaglia plant in Misinto with a nominal production capacity of 400,000 kWh per year, which allows, on days of maximum energy production, not to draw from the external grid or to draw on it to a minimum extent, giving preference to renewable energy sources and thus reducing the production of CO emissions.

In addition, the heating of the Misinto and Meda sites is supplied by means of a recovery system for waste virgin wood, through combustion in the boiler.

A separate note should be dedicated to the Group's practice of producing electricity from renewable sources, of which the share consumed in 2022 was 30%, registering a significant increase compared to the previous year (of only 7%), also thanks to a higher performance of the photovoltaic plant in Misinto.

In the year 2022, this avoided the emission of 9.2 tons of CO2 and reduced the Group's GHG emissions by 50% compared to the previous year.

In addition, 99.2% non-hazardous waste was produced. During 2022, the Giorgetti Group consolidated its environmental commitment also through #Reforest , a concrete project aimed at improving the quality of urban areas and tackling climate change.

The company has planted native trees and shrubs to repopulate the woods in the Meda area, a symbolic and realistic gesture of restitution to the environment and the territory that has always linked the company to trees.

Finally, sustainability also means product durability and in this sense Giorgetti has always been committed to creating Responsible Products, made with quality materials that customers can live with every day and leave as a legacy to future generations.

Visit the Giorgetti and Battaglia websites to download the Giorgetti Group Sustainability Report.

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