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From Home Furnishing Business

Greige Textiles Introduce Collection Nine

Greige Textiles of California craft their line of hand printed fabrics around the idea of beautifully living every day, and their latest collection, Collection Nine, takes its inspiration from the magic of a hidden English garden.

The tranquil beauty of a lush private space bathed in soft light and infused with an enduring sense of freshness, charm and wonder. A place where the air is filled with the sweet scent of blossoms and the earth is blanketed in a tapestry of wildflowers and moss.

Bernadette finds its inspiration in a precious fruit tree. This pattern is a heartfelt homage to the beauty and nourishment of nature. Imagine indulging in a ripe, sweet bite while basking in the warmth of the sun in the midst of the secret garden. Bernadette evokes the sense of seasonal regeneration and the boundlessness of nature.

Adeline depicts the exquisite flowers that grace the Jane Magnolia tree. It captures the symmetrical beauty, the elliptical curves, and the graceful details of the blossoms in all their majestic elegance. It invokes the grace of a spring garden, creating an atmosphere that echoes the delight of nature's own sophisticated design. 

Liam is a beautiful reflection of the intricate details you'd discover in handmade garden gates. It captures the delicate, rhythmic play of curves and lines, and the timeless elegance that graces these artisan-crafted entrances to our magical world. 

Frankie portrays plump peony buds, captured just at that moment when they stand on the threshold of their grand transformation into breathtaking blossoms. It mirrors the anticipation, the tightly coiled energy, and the complex details of these buds as they prepare to unveil their resplendent beauty to the world.

Henri represents a vivid depiction of the graceful, pebble-lined paths leading you to the garden. It captures the gentle undulations, the natural impressions left by footprints, and the organic texture that comes from nature's touch. Inviting the calming, grounding energy of a garden path into your spaces, steeping  them in the serenity of nature.

Register for Greige Textiles’ Trade Program to receive complimentary samples + access the online showroom  24 hours a day 7 days a week.

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