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From Home Furnishing Business

Hooker Furnishings Continues to Advance Corporate Responsibility Goals

At the beginning of June, Hooker Furnishings released their 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report. Chief Executive Officer Jeremy Hoff shared a word about their journey toward the objectives they set.

“2022 was a transformative year for Hooker Furnishings. Looking back, our team’s progress toward advancing our Corporate Social Responsibility objectives has been remarkable. Our CARE (Community Action & Responsibility for the Environment) and AIDE (Advancement of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity) teams have laid the foundation for driving organizational change to reduce our environmental impact, promote equity inside and outside of our company, and support our communities, all while operating with the same integrity, transparency, and accountability we are known for at Hooker Furnishings.”

Hoff continued, “They have created processes, metrics, and reporting methods that provide us with better visibility of our progress while allowing us to build on areas of success and identify improvements. We are moving the needle in the right direction—and while there’s always more work to be done, it’s important to celebrate our successes.”

“In 2022, we strengthened our environmental focus by measuring and understanding our Greenhouse Gas Emissions. We are now utilizing energy from renewable resources at 3 of our major facilities resulting in a 40% reduction in the use of carbon-based energy annually. We plan to expand this program to all facilities and further reduce our  carbon footprint.”

“We have made great strides with our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee, asking important questions and creating meaningful challenges for ourselves in the spirit of further developing our good corporate citizenship and ensuring that all members of our team feel seen, heard, and valued. Looking ahead, we will issue our first DEI annual report this year and gather critical employee data to help us drive change via an employee engagement survey.”

“This year also marks our first employee “listening session,” moderated by our  DEI partner, The Diversity Movement. Hooker Furnishings remains a vital member of the communities we work and live by, donating $1.5 million of funding, in-kind donations, and countless volunteer hours to charities important to our employees.”

Hoff concludes, “As we head into our 100th year in 2024, I am proud of our team’s progress and, more importantly, the promising path ahead.”

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