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Walker Furniture Continues “Project Firehouse” Program, Las Vegas

Walker Furniture and Las Vegas Fire & Rescue continue Walker’s “Project Firehouse: Rested & Ready” program providing new mattresses and foundations to 15 fire stations. Today, Walker delivered 13 mattresses and foundations to Station 44 and 13 last September to Station 8.

First responders who use beds all through the day and night for intermittent sleep go years in between receiving new mattresses, which are vital for their welfare.

“For Walker, our ‘Rested & Ready’ firehouse project is our way of helping our first responders,” said Linda Alterwitz-Mizrahi, Walker Furniture co-owner.

“We appreciate how our first responders are always on call and can only grab sleep in short intervals. They need to be rested to do their job helping others. The mattresses are our way of saying ‘thank you’.”

Firehouse 44 is the LVFR Technical Rescue Team (TRT) and Heavy Rescue Station. The TRT team does difficult rescues and has specialty training in swift water rescue (flood channels, the river), high-angle rope rescue (high-rise buildings or mountain rescue), confined space rescue (cave-ins, tunnels, pipes) and elevator rescues.

The Heavy Rescue is a specialty extrication team that responds to large vehicle accidents like semi-trailers, school buses, submerged vehicles, etc. 

Good mattresses for firefighters are of the utmost importance. The ones being replaced are old. Firefighters are always excited when the new ones arrive.

They have the old ones stacked up and ready to go when the Walker Furniture truck arrives. With overwhelming appreciation, they can’t wait to grab the new mattresses and set them up.

“We started this project with Clark County Firehouses in October 2018,” said Alterwitz-Mizrahi. “With interruption by the Covid pandemic, deliveries took three-and-a-half years.

Las Vegas Fire & Rescue is the second largest fire department in the state of Nevada, and we estimate deliveries will take more than a year. Each delivery takes careful planning.”

Rest is so important for the health and wellbeing of first responders. Their job is not nine-to-five. Firefighters need to be ready to respond. Imagine every day and night at any given minute when you’re sleeping, you need to abruptly wake up, run your fastest and perform your best.

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