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President’s Day Mattress Sales, If You Don’t Know… Now You Know

President’s Day is here and gone. Some of those fantastic sales will be around for a little while longer. There have been advertisements for them for quite some time, but how many mattress companies are really having sales this year?

After a quick Google search, anywhere between 23 – 37 different national companies were listed to be having sales on mattresses during the President’s Day Holiday 2023, and that’s just the national companies.

Why President’s Day? What makes it a National Mattress Holiday? For those who have been around the industry a long time, you likely know, and it doesn’t seem strange that every mattress store (that also happen to be more plentiful than Starbucks) put their wares on sale on the week and weekend surrounding the third Monday of February every year.

For others, it may seem random and a bit odd. So, why February? Why mattresses? It seems to be pretty effective, so it must be working, but WHY?

The internet concurred. Between the Sleep Foundation, The Manual, Consumer Reports, and numerous news organizations, “the mattress industry has decided to claim Presidents' Day to launch their best marketing campaigns because this is when consumers are more likely to spend on the product. (according to Market Realist)”

Most all of the other calendar months of the year have been claimed by another holiday. Christmas has December, March and April get the tax refund money which will often go toward a new car, and the list goes on and on (August is for back-to-school, etc.).

Some of the other statistics related to the mattress stores went into the details of how the plentiful venues are doing so well, but that is a story for another day. It was reported, however, that bedding sales are on the rise.

Market Realist again reported that “the mattress market (on a global scale) is expected to rise from $35 billion in 2021 to $43 billion by 2024.” So… rest easy, the mattress market is doing just fine.

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