Daily News
From Home Furnishing Business
SFC, Elon U. Team for Fall Sustainability Forum
July 24,
2013 by in Industry, Special Events
The gathering is set for Friday, Sept. 20, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., in McKinnon Hall at Elon University in Elon, N.C.
Speakers include: Dr. Jonathan Chapman from the University of Brighton, on “Emotionally Durable Design”; Mitchell Gold of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
, on “Life at the Core of Furnishings”; Robin Wilson of Robin Wilson Home
, on “Marketing Sustainaility: The Research and the Story”; Mike Italiano of Market Transformation to Sustainability
, on “Forest to Foyer==an overview of Life Cycle Analysis.”
Other speakers are Cheryl Durst of International Interior Design Association
; Jason Phillips of The Phillips Collection
; Hilary Pope of Carolina Mattress Guild
; and Mark Hord of E.J. Victor
Click here to register for the conference
A pre-conference special event, a life cycle assessment workshop by Michael Italiano of MTS, the founder of SMaRT certification and a noted developer of triple bottom line assessments, is set for Thursday, Sept. 19. Click here to register for the life cycle workshop
A post-conference special event, open house visits in the Chapel Hill area showcasing innovative home design and projects that embrace principles of minimizing the environmental footprint, is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 21. Click here to register for the open houses