Daily News
From Home Furnishing Business
Storis Ready for EMV Credit Card Processing
September 9,
2015 by in Furniture Retailing, Industry
Beginning next month, Storis will offer clients credit card processing that supports the EMV liability changes.
“Storis wants to stress the importance of changing over to EMV processing and the positive impacts this new technology can bring to retailers,” said David Graham, technical project manager for Storis. “Further, the risk of not upgrading to more secure processing methods could be devastating to retailers of any size. Storis has been working diligently to make sure the services we provide to our customers put them in a strong, secure position.”
Credit card breaches present a prevalent threat for corporations and small businesses. The leaders in the industry, Europay, MasterCard and Visa, are jointly enforcing new liability policies set to take effect in October. Many European nations and Canada have been using advanced EMV technology, commonly referred to as “chip and pin”, for years and soon the U.S. will, too.
Retailers will be responsible for fraudulent activity that occurs in their stores if they are not compliant with EMV changes. Whichever party, the retailer or the credit card institution, is more liable for putting the consumer at risk will take on the financial burden of the theft. Previously the responsibility would have been solely that of the credit card company.
“As the leading provider of retail software solutions to the home furnishings industry, we have a responsibility to the hundreds of retailers we service and to their customers to deliver the most secure technology in the market,” said Donald Surdoval, CEO.
Storis began developing its EMV capability in 2014 and will soon offer the service to retailers.
Storis chose Shift4 Secure Payment Processing for its integration to allow retailers using Storis’ current credit card processing can continue working with their financial partners and begin working with new ones.