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March 2016 Issue 

February 2016 Cover

Delivering the Sale

Sometimes making the sale in the showroom is the simplest part of the furniture retail business. After the consumer is sold on the product and the money exchanges hands, things in the business really start to get interesting.

Statistically Speaking: The Fall and Rise of Retail

In the five-year period between 2007 and 2012, the home furnishings retail landscape took a pounding and lost a major chunk of its storefronts.

Coach's Corner: Selling Delivery

In this column we like to address topics or issues you face in your retail businesses and offer direct answers about what to do and how to do it.

What Sells: The Great Outdoors

The groundhog delivered a gift last month when he didn’t see his shadow predicting spring was on its way.

Publisher's Letter: Delivery on the House

Free delivery. This phrase will trigger shivers from many retailers since, over the last 25 years, traditional retailers have been charging for delivery.

Editor's Note: True Confession

I confess. I shopped online and bought a new mattress. Yep, you read it right. The fan of all things retail - most especially home furnishings retail - broke the golden rule and bought online.

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