July Issue

Furniture retailing is a people business, and many store owners — especially in smaller operations — tend to rely on their gut to tell them whether business is good, bad or somewhere in between.
Jacob Shevin took over to represent the fourth generation of his family to serve as president of the company, which now counts 13 stores in Alabama and Tennessee, and employs 100 people.
More than a third of retail CIOs surveyed in a study from the National Retail Federation are considering a single consumer platform to manage transactions across channels.
The youth category of home furnishings is in a bit of turmoil of late with two leading vendors either exiting or looking to exit the business.
I’ve seen the future of furniture design, and it is very, very bright. Scorchingly so, I might add. On a recent, hot day last month, I joined 10 of my industry friends on the campus of High Point University to judge the annual Pinnacle Awards for the American Society of Furniture Designers.
If a retailer is losing market share it can be attributed to one or a combination of three things: merchandise, advertising or consumer experience. The last topic is, at best, vague. In the past decade a new element ....