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February 2013 Issue

On Bedding : Chilling with Gel in Vegas

Echoing trends trumpeted at previous Markets, bedding offerings at the Winter 2013 Las Vegas Market once again emphasized coolness, gel infusion, adjustable beds and other automated functions....

Publisher's Letter : Employee Management

I’ve worked for only three companies since graduating from college. The first was a Fortune 500 company in the transportation industry. As you might expect it was very corporate America. It was extremely structured with layers of management....

Obamacare’s Impact a Question Mark

The jury’s still out on the impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, on businesses....

Casting Call

It’s been almost two years since Home Furnishings Business took a look at hiring, and a lot has changed in that time....

People Savvy : Retaining the Right People

Enthusiastic employees out produce and out perform staff members who are not motivated to perform. Most new hires are enthusiastic when they first come on board—prepared to give it 110 percent. What happens to dampen the enthusiasm?...

Manning the Boat

How’s your store’s “mental health”? Can you the keep people in place who make your business prosper, or do you face problems with employee retention? If it’s the latter, read on: We’re taking a look this month at ways to...

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