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From Home Furnishing Business

Sauder Outfits Sales Team with New Technology

Sauder Woodworking has rolled out a mobile productivity platform for its sales force.

The mobile file sharing platform from Accellion will allow Sauder's sales team to share, access and collaborate on documents via iPads. Sales representatives now have the ability to upload documents to a shared workspace where materials can be edited and finalized on mobile devices in a secure cloud.

"We were able to roll out Accellion to 100 sales reps in just two days and have them up and ready to showcase product collateral on tablets at our largest tradeshow of the year," said Jan Arvay, Sauder's vice president of information systems. "To be able to provide our employees with that type of mobile flexibility within a private cloud environment where we have complete control, is incredibly valuable."

The technology eliminates the need for printed materials, saving cost and time, and provides the team with real-time access to the most up-to-date sales materials.

"In an enterprise setting where security and privacy are real concerns, the full benefits of a mobile workforce are hard to realize with an ad-hoc approach to mobile enablement," said Paula Skokowski, chief marketing officer of Accellion. "By enabling Sauder to realize immediate cost and time savings through a more productive mobile team, Accellion has illustrated the benefits companies can reap by formalizing their mobile content strategy."

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