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From Home Furnishing Business

Dealership Speaking Arabic In Ads

By Home Furnishings Business in Advertising on May 2007 From the we-wish-we€™d-thought-of-that file, the nation€™s largest Chrysler Jeep dealer is stepping out with its advertising to reach a larger audience, and hopefully increase sales, with a multi-media campaign in Arabic, a typically underserved demographic.

The campaign, dubbed €œTalk To Toni,€ is being launched by Southfield Chrysler Jeep located in Southfield, Mich. The ads feature Toni Anttwan, the dealership€™s top salesperson with his family. Southeastern Michigan has the largest Arabic-speaking community in North America.

€œOur customers and our staff are a big global group,€ said Paul Steel, general manager of the dealership. €œWe value the pluralism of the many cultures of Metro Detroit, which helps us best serve everyone who walks through our doors.€

The ads will be broadcast on Middle Eastern Broadcast Network, local cable stations, a local radio station and on the Internet. The campaign is one example of the dealership€™s multicultural approach to marketing. The dealership has employees representing Iraq, Poland, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Israel, India, Albania and the Philippines in both language and culture.

Go to Ask Tony to see a sample of the spots.

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