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From Home Furnishing Business

Seeing=Believing: Communicate Via Visual Media

By Home Furnishings Business in Furniture Retailing on March 2007 The amount of information being thrust on the average consumer has reached critical mass and it comes from everywhere: the Internet, instant messaging, mobile devices, e-mail, television, radio, print media, and the list goes on. Like you, your prospects and customers are constantly inundated with this type of information every day. Therefore, you need to make sure that when you communicate with them, you break through the €œnoise€ and leave a lasting impression. By utilizing multiple senses, visually oriented communications resonate more in our consciousness than words, pictures or sounds on their own.

The use of visual communications has already fundamentally changed the way we communicate in our business and personal lives. Many companies, including large enterprises and small businesses, have already deployed visual communication strategies to enhance and solve many of the communications challenges that are not fully addressed through the use of traditional techniques alone.

Statistical studies support the positive impact of visual communications. Six times as many people prefer watching a video to reading printed information. Studies also show that people remember only 20 percent of what they hear and only 30 percent of what they see, but an incredible 70 percent of what they see and hear. Additionally, the use of video has been shown to expedite buying decision by up to six times versus non-visual techniques.

Strut Your Stuff on Video

You can engage prospects and build credibility by using video to bring customer success stories to life. There may be no better way to convince people of the value of a product or service than seeing and hearing people like themselves tell how they have benefited.

These programs can spotlight a specific product, product line or service. For most companies, this means connecting positive customer comments with product functionality, as well as showing visuals that help illustrate improvements in business processes, return-on-investment or some other tangible benefits. Product promo videos can use voice-over narration, video, animation and graphics, as well as soundbites from company leaders and on-camera customer testimonials, to create a focused and compelling program.

The finished programs can be used in retail kiosks or digital signage, as an overview and enticement on Web sites, as part of a direct mail campaign, or as part of digital sales kits.

Make the Most of the Web

The Internet is often the first stop in a customer€™s buying process. This is where potential customers begin to explore their options through a myriad of search engines, and is where customers will begin to narrow down their choices and decide which stores they will visit in person, or perhaps simply purchase from online. That€™s why it€™s critical for retailers to position their Web sites as a tool to draw customers to the store and provide compelling visual material that allows customers to really experience their products or services. A Web site can be one the most valuable tools in your marketing arsenal and a great place to deploy video content such as customer testimonials.

Imagine if your customers could go to your Web page and watch a video featuring panoramic shots of your showroom floors, see the craftsmanship and quality of your products, and hear real customers tell their story€”your story. Wouldn€™t they be more enticed to make an in-store visit or at least a phone call to learn more? If they could also view video footage of satisfied customers enjoying their new products purchased from your retail location, or hear about how easy and efficient your delivery and setup process is, might they really €œexperience€ the value that you offer?

Whatever your differentiator or value to the customer, telling your story through visual technologies will only help communicate your message more effectively. If you have not considered implementing visual communications strategies, you risk being out-marketed by your competitors, many of whom are already leveraging video in their customer communications. Many of these companies have realized that for their customers, seeing really is believing! HFB

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