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Industry Sales by Quarter | 2010 Q3 to 2017Q3 | Furniture & Bedding

The furniture and bedding industry picked up a little steam in the third quarter with furniture and bedding sales up 4.11 percent over the same quarter last year, 2016 Q3. Industry sales of $25.42 billion received a slight bump at the tail end of the quarter as Hurricane Harvey victims began the process of replacing furniture in heavily impacted areas. Compared to the previous quarter of this year, 2017 Q2, third quarter industry sales were up 3.05 percent. Third quarter year-to-date furniture and bedding sales reached $74.29 billion, up 3.22 percent over the same period last year.

Furniture (excluding Bedding) in the third quarter increased 3.97 percent versus the same quarter in 2016 totaling $21.38 billion. Compared to the second quarter of this year, furniture sales grew a modest 1.82 percent. Year-to-date furniture sales excluding bedding reached $62.92 billion, up 3.12 percent over the first three quarters of last year.

The Bedding industry also saw a larger increase, with estimated sales of $4.04 billion for the third quarter, up 4.83 percent over the same quarter last year.  The third quarter is typically bedding’s highest volume period. Compared to the previous Q2 of this year, industry sales were up 9.9 percent.  Year to date, bedding sales increased 3.77 percent over the first three quarter of last year totaling $11.37 billion.

The third quarter this year saw the largest quarter over quarter growth in six quarters for furniture and bedding. Industry sales increased 4.11 percent over the third quarter of last year, breaking the $25 billion one quarter dollar mark. Compared to the previous Q2 of this year, sales of $25.42 billion were up 3.05 percent.

Furniture (excluding Bedding) increased 3.97 percent in 2017 Q3 versus the same third quarter of 2016 with sales of $21.38 billion. This figure was up 1.82 percent over last quarter, 2017 Q2.

Bedding 2017 Q3 sales totaled $4.04 billion, up 4.83 percent over third quarter last year and 9.9 percent over the previous second quarter of this year. The third quarter  is typically bedding’s highest volume quarter each year.

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Laurie Tokarz    7 years ago

This is very different than the recently released ISPA numbers - does Impact include power based and internet-only sales?

[Trackback]    7 years ago

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FastFact: Q3 Furniture, Bedding Sales Rise 4.1 Percent
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