Consumer Confidence Drives Consumer Spending Consumer Confidence Index 2007 to 2015 YTD (Annual Average)
December 4,
2015 by in General

This is the first in a series of four factoids exploring the impact of consumer confidence on a rising demand for consumer products, especially durable goods. Consumer confidence, measured monthly by The Conference Board, is “a barometer of the health of the U.S. economy from the perspective of the consumer”. With a surge in Housing Starts, flattening of home electronics, and possible waning of new automobile sales, the Furniture Industry should benefit with the rise of confident consumers.
About 70% of the Gross National Product is consumer spending, and one of the prime drivers of spending is Consumer Confidence. The Consumer Confidence Index increased to 103.0 in September, up from the 2015 low in July of 91. The all-time low in confidence occurred in February 2009 when it fell to a recession low of 25.3. (Source: The Conference Board, Consumer Confidence Index)
Consumer Confidence took a nosedive after a high of 103.4 in 2007 – dropping to an average of 45.4 in 2009. Since the Great Recession, confidence in the economy has steadily increased a yearly average of 9 index points – resulting in a total jump of 53.3 points from 2009 to 2015 year to date (annual average).
Next week’s factoid will show the tie between Consumer Confidence and Employment and how the health of the U.S. job market affects the Consumer Confidence Index.