Industry Sales by Quarter 2008 Q3 to 2015 Q3 Bedding Industry
November 19,
2015 by in General

Bedding sales grew to an estimated $3.69 billion in the third quarter, increasing 5.3 percent over the same Q3 last year. Compared to the previous Q2 of this year, sales were up 9.2 percent. Year-to-date, the bedding industry is 6.3 percent higher than the first three quarters of last year.
Note: Previously issued 2015 Q2 estimates have been revised.
Industry Growth Quarter to Quarter 2011 to 2015 Q3 Bedding Industry

Bedding sales continue to show steady improvement quarter over quarter for the last ten consecutive quarters. In the third quarter of this year sales totaled $3.69 billion, up 5.3 percent over quarter three of 2014.
Note: Previously issued 2015 Q2 estimates have been revised.
Industry Sales 2007 to 2015 Q3 Bedding Industry

Third quarter year-to-date bedding sales totaled $10.45 billion, up 6.7 percent compared to the same period last year.
Note: Previously issued 2015 Q2 estimates have been revised.