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The Straight Scoop

By Home Furnishings Business in on July 2012

Amid the din of bedding ads and circulars trumpeting the latest BIG SALE€”and aggressive selling tactics that greet consumers in many mattress stores€”one Washington state retailer has found success with a decidedly laid-back philosophy.

Northwest Sleep Solutions, a single-store bedding retailer based in the historic Fairhaven section of Bellingham, Wash., has quietly grown its business by being the antidote to the hard sell. Store owner Scott Caseria and his co-owner wife LeAnn wouldn€™t have it any other way.

Enter the Mattress Zone
Since the Caserias opened their store in 2008, they have yet to advertise a sales promotion. €œIn our five years in this location, we have never had a sale, not once,€ said Scott Caseria. €œWe just don€™t do that. We€™re careful not to use the word €˜sale€™€”we€™ll use €˜savings.€™ People save money buying here, even though it€™s a pretty store, but we€™re not going to mislead people. If we€™re going to mislead people in our advertising, I would assume that they would think I would mislead them once they get here, so we€™re just not going to go there.€
That doesn€™t mean the store doesn€™t promote aggressively. €œWe do a lot of advertising,€ Caseria said. €œI do a lot of radio spots. We€™re always pounding the idea that the straight scoop is what you€™re going to get here. €¦ We did a cute €˜Twilight Zone€™ commercial saying €˜You€™re entering the Mattress Zone, where the laws of mathematics do not apply.€™
€œWe€™re trying to be the voice of sanity,€ he added. €œThe advertising€™s just gone out of control on beds, and it€™s almost become a joke, where 10 percent off 25 years ago was a legitimate deal€”now, if you€™re not 80 percent off, you€™re not in the game. The ridiculous thing is, no one is 80 percent off, they just say they are and it€™s very frustrating, so we don€™t do that.€
Scouting Missions Encouraged
The low-key tone of Northwest Sleep Solutions€™ ad campaigns is reflected in the sales approach consumers will encounter upon entering the store.
€œThe first thing we do is make you feel that it€™s OK to be €˜just looking,€™€ Caseria said. €œWe€™ve coined a little phrase here we call €˜scouting missions€™, and you can just see the walls come down from the people. There are people that come in that truly are just looking, but there are also people where that€™s their first statement, because they want to fend you off. We just say €˜We encourage scouting missions, we want you to take your time, you€™ll make a better decision€”that€™s why we€™re here.€™
€œThe places I ran for other people before, if you didn€™t sell them that first day, you never sold them. Our average customer is
in here two to three, sometimes four, times before they buy, and the idea is making them comfortable€”that it€™s OK to learn something about what you€™re going to sleep on for the next 20 years.€

Realizing the Dream
Caseria€™s interest in bedding had its origins in his days as a student. €œI actually lived across the street from a furniture store,€ he recalled, €œand I wanted a job as a truck guy, or something part-time while I was going to college. For some reason, the owner of the store thought that I would make a good sales guy. €¦ It went pretty well, and about a year later I was managing the store. €¦ My favorite part of that was always the bedding.
€œSo I bounced around a few other stores, but all the time, in the back of our heads, we wanted to have our own sleep shop. We had a certain way we wanted to do it, and so the opportunity came up where a lot of the good lines came to me and said €˜You€™ve got to open your own store.€™ I€™d always wanted to, and I said, €˜You know what? If we know we have the right lines going in, things that I want, we€™re going to do it.€™ So that€™s, in a nutshell, what happened.€

The Good Lines
Caseria has been very selective in choosing the lines and models to sell in his store. €œWe carry Simmons,€ he said. €œIn the foam world, we carry a natural latex bed. In synthetic foam, the only one I€™m going to carry€”because it€™s the only one I€™ve had any luck with€”is Tempur-Pedic. We€™ve carried them 10 years, and we€™ve never had a warranty call. That€™s amazing. Tempur€™s been fantastic for us, it really has. We€™ll sell one, and the next thing, the (customer€™s) neighbor or brother will come in and buy one. €¦ What we get is customer referrals. You treat people right and they take care of you.€

Steady Growth
Northwest Sleep Solutions has enjoyed consistent growth since opening€”even in a tough economy. €œThey say it always take a couple of years to make a profit,€ Caseria said. €œWe were making a profit in our third month. Then, when the market crashed, we didn€™t see anyone for two months. €¦ Suddenly we were in a spot that we weren€™t expecting to be, but the store has survived and grown 25 to 30 percent each year.€
While it may seem logical to expand into more stores, Caseria said he€™s in no rush. €œI€™m not a guy that really wants to have a huge chain of stores, but there are times I think, if the right location popped and we found the right people to run it the way that we want it run, there€™s always a chance that we could go someplace else. But this little store here, we€™re going to keep.€
Caseria€™s main ambition for his family-owned operation is to keep it in the family: €œI€™ve got a son who does our delivery and warehouse work since we opened. I€™d love for him to probably take this over some day.€ HFB

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