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Are Old-Fashioned Furniture Stores an Endangered Species?
February 13,
2012 by in UnCategorized
By Aggregated Content in Furniture Retailing on February 14, 2012
from http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?z5920009533&z=1250249032
Up until a few years ago, Richland Center was home to three family-owned furniture stores. Now, there is just one. In Cross Plains, Feiner Home Furnishings will be out of business by May, and Achenbach Furniture and Floor Covering in Boscobel closed in 2011.
Blanchardville at one time had a furniture store, as did Montfort, Dodgeville, Cuba City, Cambridge and Jefferson. But despite a struggling economy and the growth of big-box stores in larger cities, some independent furniture stores remain viable and often are the centerpiece of a community's downtown business district. "Our secret is overhead," said Anthony Ayres,
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