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Longtime Furniture Dealer to Retire, Close Business
December 15,
2011 by in UnCategorized
By Aggregated Content in Furniture Retailing on December 16, 2011
from http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?z5620984889&z=1250249030
There are those little signs out front that read "Retiring forever." Then there are the banner signs in the windows "Bob's last sale," and "All things must go." It's not a joke. It's not a sales gimmick. After 35 years of selling furniture in Hanover, Bob Morris is calling it quits and closing his his store permanently.
"A lot of people might think we're not really going to close, until we actually start the going-out-of-business sale and then they'll realize we are closing," said Morris, who opened his store on Baltimore Street in 1976.
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