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Buildfax: Remodeling Keeps Growing
August 15,
2011 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in economic news on August 16, 2011
The June BuildFax Remodeling Index shows that even as the economy struggles and home sales sag, the remodeling industry is a bright spot from coast to coast.
The June 2011 index rose 23 percent year-over-yearand for the 20th straight monthin June to 129.5, the highest number ever in the index to date.
The report revealed month-over-month gains for most regions of the country, with data demonstrating that consumers are continuing to invest in remodeling, even as the stock market dips and unemployment remains high.
"The first half of 2011 brought pain to many sectors of the economy including home sales and jobs, however Americans continue to invest in remodeling, sending the BuildFax Remodeling Index to a new all-time high," said Joe Emison, vice president of research and development at BuildFax, Austin, Texas. "With so many Americans unable to sell their current home, it is apparent that they are planning on staying in their current residences and are making renovations and upgrades."