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U.S. Furniture Makers on ABC News
February 27,
2011 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in Business Strategy on February 28, 2011
Bedroom furniture manufacturer Vaughan Bassett Furniture is among U.S. furniture manufacturers featured on ABC News' "Made in America Challenge" this week.
The Vaughan-Bassett segment should air Wednesday or Thursday. In the four-minute feature story, ABC will provide a Dallas, Texas, family with an American-made bedroom set, living room set and kitchen appliances.
"We are extremely proud that Vaughan-Bassett Furniture Company has been chosen to provide the American-Made bedroom set for this home," said John D. Bassett III, chairman of Vaughan-Bassett, Galax, Va. "ABC News has informed us that they are creating a series of at least five stories this week that feature products Made in America by American craftsmen. Because Vaughan-Bassett is the largest American manufacturer of wooden bedroom furniture, we are a natural fit for this series."
A producer from New York and a film crew from Charlotte, N.C., spent seven hours filming manufacturing processes at the Galax factory on Feb. 21, interviewing several workers and Executive Vice President Doug Bassett.
Promotional ads featuring Vaughan-Bassett employees are already running on ABC programs. ABC News also created a Web site featuring the American-made products that will be shown during its week-long series.
Harden Furniture, McConnellsville, N.Y., also will be featured on the show, the Utica Observer-Dispatch reported.