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Brunschwig & Fils Auction Set for March 7
February 10,
2011 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in Bankruptcy on February 11, 2011
A number of investors have stepped up and expressed interest in acquiring fabric supplier
Brunschwig & Fils at a March auction.
The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January, and at that time,
Kravet had placed a $6.5 million bid for Brunschwig & Fils. In addition, Kravet has agreed to provide financing to the company during this time of reorganization ensuring that Brunschwig continues as a financially sound trading partner.
Benjamin Capital Advisors, chief restructuring officer for Brunschwig in the Chapter 11 filing, said bids for the company are being accepted until March 3. The auction will be held March 7 at the offices of
Halperin Battaglia & Raicht in New York.