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Spring Air Joins SSA
January 20,
2011 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in Bedding on January 21, 2011
Bedding supplier Spring Air International has joined the
Specialty Sleep Association, and the company plans to introduce a line of beds that will meet the association's Environmental and Safety Program.
Rick Robinson, Spring Air president, said he expects the Back Supporter beds to be available to retailers as early as the end of March and will be introdcued at the summer 2011
Las Vegas Market. Our decision to join SSA and its Environmental & Safety Program is a statement of our companys position on environmental respect, consumer health and safety, and truth in product labeling, Robinson said. "As a major trade and consumer mattress brand, we believe in being demonstrative about what we think is right and what we value.
SSA surveys show that consumers favor eco-friendly products and most retail sales associations think green certification is an advantage on the sales floor.
"Our objective will be to capture those environmentally conscious consumers, to provide our retailers with 'greener' mattress products based on substantiated information, and to offer those benefits under the umbrellas of the Spring Air and Back Supporter names," Robinson said. "In look, feel and value, our certified beds will be extremely competitive with other non-certified products on the retail floor.
SSA's Environmental and Safety Program requires producers to meet any one of three increasingly more stringent adherence levels for consumer and environmental safety.
Robinson said the new Back Supporter line will likely be designed to qualify under more than one level of the standards.
"Spring Air's plan to create mattresses that meet the environmental and safety requirements of the program is a strong statement about its commitment to telling the truth in green marketing," said Dale Read, SSA president. "We're very enthused about the company's decision to join and to get behind this environmental consumer education program."