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Colorado Ikea Counts Down
December 28,
2010 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in Furniture Retailing on December 29, 2010
Furniture retail giant Ikea is building excitement for its new Centennial, Col., store with a countdown, the Denver Business Journal reported Tuesday.
The blog page ColoradoIKEAfans has just the thing for shoppers who want to keep track of the progress of the states hotly anticipated, first IKEA furniture store, now under construction in Centennial.
The website for Ikea's first Colorado store has two clocks, one counting down the weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds until the opening, if it occurs on or after Sept. 23; while the other shows a similar countdown to opening , if it's on or before Dec. 20.
The 415,000-square-foot Colorado Ikea is under construction on the west side of Interstate 25 near the 1.6 million-square-foot Park Meadows mall in Lone Tree.