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Art Van Sets Black Friday "Free"

By Home Furnishings Business in Furniture Retailing on November 23, 2010 Art Van Furniture, Warren, Mich., will give away something for free to every shopper visiting its 33 stores on Black Friday this week.

Whether it's complimentary breakfast, or a "book light" at no charge, Art Van Furniture shoppers will walk away with something free.
Product specials for the one-day event include the popular chair of the season for as low as $38 and a number of accessories for as little as $10. Throughout the stores, free furniture, free electronics and free TVs will be offered as bonus gifts with purchases.

In addition, all Art Van Black Friday shoppers will receive the lowest prices of the year and special financing offers to 2015 and no sales tax on any purchase.

The first 100 customers in any store also will also receive a free "Snuggies" blanket or a free book light. Contests and prize giveaways continue throughout the day.

Doors will open at 6 a.m. on Friday in all Art Van locations statewide, and refreshments will be provided.

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