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WHFA Sets 2011 Industry Conference Agenda
October 5,
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By Home Furnishings Business in Business Strategy on October 6, 2010
The Western Home Furnishings Association has announced details on the Home Furnishings Industry Conference scheduled, April 30May 2, in San Antonio.
The event, set for the Westin Riverwalk in historic San Antonio, will kick-off with an opening keynote from Bob Beckel and Cal Thomas of USA Today's Common Ground column. These two politically savvy and politically different analysts take their differences and find the "common ground" that unites all Americans. Although Beckel and Thomas have different opinions on almost every subject imaginable, the goal of Common Ground is to show the conference audience that bridges can be forged between differences, and agreements can be made.
The conference will provide networking, leadership and educational events that will supply content for each segment of the industry. Social media, for example, is a highlight: Social media guru, Erik Qualman, author of "Socialnomics," will make a presentation on the implications of social media, and how businesses can tap into the power of this new marketing power to increase sales, cut marketing costs and how to communicate and reach consumers directly.
Lastly, the marketing mastermind behind the Starbucks and Whole Foods brands, John Moore, will present a keynote on "The Bigness of Smallness." Moore says that the smaller a business is, the bigger it must look and conversely, the bigger a business is, the smaller it must get. This paradox of growth serves as the foundation for this playful, informative presentation on how businesses can get bigger by acting smaller. Using examples of established and emerging brands, Moore will show the audience through actionable methods for how small businesses can thrive in a crowded marketplace and how big businesses can continue growing when faced with upstart competition.
The Home Furnishings Industry Conference agenda is geared to help retailers move their business into the future through workshops, general sessions, open forums, and a dynamic Expo with over 40 vendors from around the country.
"As incoming President for NHFA, I feel that 2011 Conference in San Antonio will be the highlight of the year," said Dianne Ray, Garden City Furniture, Garden City Beach, S.C., and National Home Furnishings Association's 2011 president. "What a great opportunity for retailers, vendors and suppliers to share, learn and listen to one another on a one-on-one basis. I look forward to the conference with the opportunities to learn from everyone attending and, most of all, having fun visiting with all of the great folks who make the furniture industry a great place to work. Come join us for the most exciting and invigorating days of your year and enjoy being a part of the home furnishings industry."
Along with the amazing educational sessions already scheduled, the Home Furnishings Conference will provide even more opportunities to learn and allow for ample time for retailers, suppliers and vendors to share ideas and best practices to move everyones business into the future.
"If you are going to do one thing to help improve your business this year I would say attending this conference is a must," said Dave Harkness, Harkness Furniture, Tacoma, Wash. "As Pacific Furniture Dealers president and past president of WHFA I can honestly say the annual conference is one of the best things I do for our store on an annual basis. Our PFD buying group has met during this conference for as long as I can remember, and I have yet to miss one. It is the perfect opportunity to meet with and learn from some of the most progressive dealers, manufacturers and suppliers in our industry. I can say with certainty that I always pay for my way with ideas and resources that I pick up strictly from this event. This years will be even more exciting and educational with the combination of making it a national conference and trade show."
Members of WHFA, NHFA, all of the affiliates and designated partners can take advantage of the great buy one, get one free deal. One registration of $495 must be purchased and the second person can attend for free. Additional registrations for other team members are $199 each. This makes it easy for businesses to bring multiple people from their store and learn even more valuable tools for business.
Those interested in participating as a sponsor or partner of this event should contact WHFA's Cindi Williams by e-mail; or at 916.960.0277. For the latest information and updates on the Home Furnishings Industry Conference, follow the event on Facebook.