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Furniture Training Co. to Train Retailers in U.K., Australia and New Zealand

By Home Furnishings Business in Business Strategy on June 22, 2010

The Furniture Training Co. has been selected by as the online training provider for its United Kingdom, Australian and New Zealand based home furnishings retailers.

€œWe couldn't be more excited to partner with the FTC and begin to offer their furniture training to our client retailers,€ said Stephen Smith, founder of €œ was conceived from the retailer€™s viewpoint and focuses on putting customer service first. With this focus, we have been incredibly impressed with how easy the FTC training is for busy retailers to implement and track progress, the quality of their ever-growing library of furniture training lessons, and the low-cost of the training. Even more impressive is that over 90 percent of the many thousands of furniture salespeople they train on their furniture training Web site increase their furniture sales." is an Internet company offering fully integrated back-end management systems for furniture retailers worldwide.۬۬"Since is a premier provider of online management services to furniture retailers in Europe and Eurasia, it۪s a natural partnership opportunity for us," said Mike Petersen, vice president of marketing for Furniture Training Co. "We look forward to bringing the Internet-delivered furniture training lessons we currently provide to hundreds of U.S. and Canadian retailers to their home furnishings clients in the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand. Helping to better train their clients۪ salespeople in furniture product knowledge, furniture selling techniques, and room design skills will be the focus of our contribution to their success."

Furniture Training Co. provides a subscription-based training Web site to the retail furniture industry. Since 2001, the company has provided training to hundreds of furniture retailers worldwide, from small single-store independents to large retail furniture chains and department stores.

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