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MEGA Group USA Launches New Web Program Version
June 3,
2010 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in Furniture Retailing on June 4, 2010
MEGA Group USA, a national home furnishings buying group for furniture mattress, appliance and electronic retailers, based in Germantown, Tenn., recently launched its newest version of MEGA WebFronts, Version 2.0. Exclusive to MEGA Group USA members, the online program allows member retailers to have their own individual retail Web sites customized to promote their store and drive traffic.
MEGA WebFronts originally launched in 2007 to provide every MEGA member a more effective and productive online presence.
"More than 70 percent of today's consumers go online to research a product before making the actual purchase," said Rick Bellows, president of MEGA Group USA. "It is imperative that dealers have a presence online and receive good placement when consumers do local searches. MEGA WebFronts gives our members control over the online presence and high visibility in online searches with the smallest impact possible on their time and budget."
Version 2.0 is the latest release of this program and has been widely accepted by MEGA Group USA Members.
Scott McFarland, information technology director for MEGA Group USA, said Version 2.0 has new and exciting features.
"MEGA WebFronts 2.0 offers enhanced search engine results, bold new designs, automatic event promotion, social media integration with Facebook, Twitter and Linked In, e-mail campaign capabilities, and an online Shopping Cart," he said. "MEGA members have already added more than 10,000 custom items in the shopping carts since the launch of 2.0."
"I have experienced unprecedented success since utilizing MEGA WebFronts," said Jesse Johnson of Rich TV & Home Center, a MEGA Group USA Member. "It's easy to implement, cost efficient and has helped drive traffic to our stores."
MEGA Group USA has 1,500 retail members in 2,500 store fronts throughout the United States.