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Gallery Furniture Boycott Target?
June 1,
2010 by in UnCategorized
By Home Furnishings Business in Furniture Retailing on June 2, 2010
Gallery Furniture in Houston has been targeted for a boycott due to owner Jim McIngvale's support of the Tea Party movement, Examiner.com reported Tuesday.
"The Committee Against Gallery Furniture," the members of which remain anonymous according to the report, concentrated on McIngvale and Gallery Furniture because of "Mattress Mack's" high profile in the local Tea Party movement.
"I think that's very sad that, you know, speaking out like that, trying to punish me and punish the people that who are speaking their Constitutional rights," McIngvale said in the report. "If somebody wants to say they're for higher taxation, so be it. You know, I have nothing against them. And I don't think they should have anything against us who want lower taxes."