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Furniture Retailers Settle with NJ Attorney General

By Home Furnishings Business in Furniture Retailing on May 13, 2010

New Jersey Attorney General Paula T. Dow and the state Division of Consumer Affairs have settled a lawsuit filed against Monmouth County furniture retailers.

The defendants, Spectrum Home Furnishings, Inc., Charles Serouya & Son Inc. a/k/a Gallery, CS&S Inc. and Charles Serouya Inc., agreed to resolve existing and future consumer complaints, revise their business practices and pay up to $216,938 in civil penalties and reimbursements to the state.

The Office of the Attorney General and Division of Consumer Affairs filed the suit against the furniture retailers last June.

Pursuant to the settlement, defendants agreed to pay $104,657.00 in civil penalties and reimbursement of the state€™s attorneys€™ fees and investigative costs. The $112,281.00 balance of the settlement amount, which represents civil penalties, will be suspended and automatically vacated at the end of eighteen months, provided defendants comply with the terms of the Final Consent Judgment. In entering into the settlement, defendants made no admission of liability or wrongdoing of any kind.

"This settlement addresses all existing consumer complaints and requires the defendants to resolve any future complaints through binding arbitration," Attorney General Dow said. "The defendants agreed to revise their business practices to be in compliance with our consumer protection laws and regulations."

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