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Monthly Issue

From Home Furnishing Business

The Long Haul

Sourcing’s Logistics Remain a Challenge, But There Is Some Good News.

Whoever said “getting there is half the fun” sure didn’t have furniture in mind. Shifting source country dynamics, lead times and rising fuel costs make getting product to your store or warehouse among furniture’s—or any retailing’s—greatest challenges.

There’s some good news on that front. Ocean freight appears fairly stable this year, according to several observers of and participants in the logistics field.
“On the issue of freight increases, I haven’t heard from my members as far as ocean freight increases,” said Jonathan Gold, vice president of supply chain and customs policy for the National Retail Federation. “I believe all of the companies completed their yearly rate negotiations a couple of months ago. We stay out of those conversations for obvious reasons. Any kind of increases such as the GRI (General Rate Increase) would have to be subject to what’s in their contract.”
Jack Hawn, president and CEO of Zenith Global Logistics, Conover, N.C., also believes retailers can anticipate no big pricing changes due to ocean freight costs.
“I don’t think we’re looking at any big rate increases,” he said. “Barring sea carriers getting together and doing something crazy, I don’t anticipate a big change in rates.
“The rates we’re getting are pretty much level. On the other hand, port charges seem to be creeping up, it seems they’re dinging you for every little thing; and while that’s outside of the rates, the customer still has to pay for it.”
While fuel surcharges can fluctuate, Ray Johnson, senior vice president, global supply chain for St. Louis-based Furniture Brands International, doesn’t see much cost impact this year for floating furniture across the Pacific. There might be some offsets in raw materials and other product costs, though.
“Labor, materials and overhead are the main costs, so people are still moving toward Vietnam and Indonesia because of these costs,” he said. “We have seen plywood up 25 percent-plus in price from last year, driven by new housing. Plywood costs are just now starting to come down. Leather is up due to excess demand, we see some slight pricing increases in fabric and some increases in packaging.”

Not so long ago, retailers could were sharing horror stories of losing slots on ships for their containers due to vessel capacity issues. Containers even were getting harder to come by.
Hawn noted that right now, there seems to be a fair amount of supply for both vessels and containers.
Gold at NRF agreed.
“I think the supply is adequate right now,” he said. “I don’t believe we’ll have the shortage issue that we had a couple of years ago where containers were rolled and bumped from sailings. Hopefully this is due in part to better communication between the carriers and their customers.”
Johnson at Furniture Brands said he sees retailers wanting to do more direct container shipping instead of warehousing product in the USA.
“When a retailer owns the shipping, it’s all their cost. But when retailers use mixed container shipping, maybe six to eight retailers might share a container and share the shipping costs,” he said. “It’s a great option for them and we have successfully executed this mixed container shipment for Broyhill for quite some time.”
Gold suggested that retailers should pay attention to regulatory and legislative efforts that could impact their supply chains.
“Retailers should always be aware of the potential issues impacting capacity and the movement of their merchandise,” he said. “Key to this is close relationships with their transportation providers in order to stay abreast of the latest issues.
“The continuing negotiation of the Transpacific Partnership Agreement is another issue retailers should continue to pay attention to as the negotiations near their conclusion before the end of the year,” Gold said.
The stated goal of that agreement is to enhance trade and investment among the partner countries, which include a burgeoning source for furniture, Vietnam, along with Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and the United States.

Ocean freight might be holding steadier, but retailers should expect higher truck freight costs this year than in the past three or four said Ray Kuntz, CEO of furniture shipper Watkins-Shepard.
“We’re in the process of analyzing cost factors. We take a price hike once a year before the fall High Point Market, so our customers can count on a rate for the purchasing year,” he said. Most of our customers make purchase decisions for the next 12 months at October Market” so it’s for a shipping versus calendar year.
A recovering economy is carrying along some increasing costs.
“One of the biggest issues we’re facing from the cost side is equipment,” Kuntz said. “Trucks that cost $90,000 (a few years ago) might be $130,000 now. Tires have gone up dramatically, well over 10 percent.”
Truck maintenance expenses are up as well, especially when breakdowns occur away from a hub—as well as other costs.
“Whenever you have to get any parts or maintenance on the road, that’s gone up dramatically since the recession,” Kuntz said. We work out agreements to service our equipment regularly, but sometimes things happen unexpectedly in the field.
“Also, a lot of states are upside-down on their transportation budgets, so we’re seeing states increase fuel taxes and tolls.”
The absolute biggest issue for truck transport, though, is the driver situation, according to Kuntz.
“There’s a real shortage of drivers,” he said. “There weren’t many trained during the recession, and we have a lot of drivers over 60 who are looking to retire. … Everyone’s trying to keep up with the driver shortage. I’d expect in the next year, depending on where you’re looking, driver pay is going to go up 5 to 10 percent.”
Another freight-related issue for retailers to consider is the impact of changes to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Act’s Driver’s Hours of Service regulations, which just took effect.
“This will certainly impact not only the flow, but the cost of getting goods to marker,” said NRF’s Gold.  “There are new requirements for the driver restart, including two consecutive nights off, which could impact delivery deadlines, especially if the retailers rely on nighttime driving.”
There are things a dealer can do to counter that increasing cost of truck freight.
“It boils down to one truck making 10 deliveries is cheaper than 10 trucks making 10 deliveries,” Kuntz said. “If five dealers fill a trailer versus 15, I can get it unloaded in a day and travel fewer miles.
“Dealers should make sure to negotiate their own freight … If you have more than a couple of carriers coming to your store that’s probably costing you. Decrease your amount of carriers, and become more important to each carrier you work with.”
He also suggested that retailers not blindly accept vendors’ shipping preferences.
“Some dealers tell vendors to ship it however they want, but manufacturers have their own considerations,” Kuntz said. “The dealers needs to make sure they’re negotiating their own situation.”
Watkins-Shepard is still working on what rates it will bring to October High Point Market.
“We’re open to working with dealers to shrink that increase, or maybe even reduce the cost,” Kuntz noted. “Freight’s all about increasing revenue per drop, and to do that I can raise my rates or have more merchandise to deliver” on a drop.
Hawn believes the recession and slow recovery have retailers in a good position to handle logistics challenges.
“The way I see it, everyone’s gone through the tough times—if you’re still here, you’ll probably still be around,” he said. “Everyone’s cleaned up their act, their inventories are in check, and they’re much more cautious in their ordering. When they introduce a collection, they’ve done their homework, and they’re more confident it will sell. “I talked with a retailer in Texas who told me, ‘I have a bounce in my step again.’” HFB


With 13 stores, Spiller Furniture has buying power for a big selection at competitive pricing.

While most furniture stores were recovering from a recession that left cyclone-like devastation in its wake, Tuscaloosa, Ala.-based Spiller Furniture had a real tornado to deal with.
The April 27, 2011, storm left 52 dead
in the area and destroyed 12 percent of the city. It also wrecked the 13-store promotional furniture, appliance and electronics retailer’s nearby Alberta City location.
The retailer decided not to reopen that store. The tough
economy of 2008 to 2010 had forced Spiller to analyze all expenses and operations, and it already had closed some under-performing locations, trimming employment from a high of 175 to the 115 it has today.
Business is pointing in the right direction now.
“The past two years have been a steady growth of 5 to 8 percent in sales,” said Shane Spiller, the company’s third-generation president. “We are a much leaner operation now that operates with a core group of hard working employees.”
With 13 stores, the company has good buying power, and the ability to deliver quickly across a market that includes east central Alabama and eastern Mississippi. That, plus its own in-house credit terms, allows Spiller to make popular-price furniture accessible to a lot of people.
It’s turned out to be a strong niche.
“The customer has the ability to purchase using our relaxed in-house credit terms,” Spiller said. “We report the customer payment history to the credit bureaus, and it allows the customer to build their credit.
“Renting or leasing furniture does not allow the customer the ability to establish a credit history, and therefore they have nothing to show others their ability to pay their debts.”
As a regional chain, he added, Spiller Furniture has the purchasing power to provide a larger selection of merchandise to those customers; and a 60,000-square-foot warehouse to back quick delivery from any of its locations.    
Spiller Furniture was founded 1948 by Shane’s grandfather, James E. Spiller  Jr., when he took a local moving company and slowly transitioned into a retail furniture store.
Spiller’s in-house installment credit was a fixture from the start, with most customers buying their furniture on credit.
“That business began to grow with route salespeople that would travel to local towns selling furniture and collecting on their accounts,” Spiller said. “New Spiller Furniture stores would be opened in towns where customer accounts were established.”

Currently, 75 percent of Spiller’s customers still rely on the retailer’s in-house installment credit.
The founder’s son, Mike Spiller, and his sisters, Jimmie, Nedra, and Joan all played a part in growing the business during the ‘60s and ‘70s. 
Mike Spiller, Shane’s father, became president in 1982 shortly before James Spiller passed.  He continued to lead the company until Shane was named president in 2004. 
Like many younger-generation retailers, Shane Spiller got an early start in the business.
“I started pushing a broom when I was 12, and worked summers and any time I was on break from school,” he said.
During those years, Spiller worked in a variety of areas in the business, in the warehouse, stocking, and then the sales floor. After graduating from the University of Alabama in 1995, he moved into inventory control, where he worked until succeeding his father as president in 2004.

Spiller Furniture strives for a consistent atmosphere at all stores, one that focuses on value-priced home furnishings and that’s welcoming to families shopping together.
Advertising promotes a friendly, family atmosphere for customers and employees, and the retailer makes that part of the store experience.
“When someone comes in the door, the person who greets them is representing the Spiller name, so I want a relationship with employees that will roll over to the customer,” Spiller said. “We have a children’s section in the stores where they can play while their parents shop, and where the parents can be comfortable leaving their kids.”
Television advertising and social media reinforce that family friendly message.
“We personally promote the business with me and my three sons (10-year-old twins Mike and Mac, and 5-year-old Major) telling about the current sales event,” Spiller said. “Our tag line is ‘Big Selection, Friendly Service, and Credit, Credit, Credit!’”
Television is one important vehicle. Another is the circular program, which Spiller Furniture does through “married mailings,” that is, combined with other pieces to get the cost down.

The recession forced Spiller Furniture to take a hard look at its business. Part of that process included hiring an interim CFO who introduced the retailer to the Entrepreneurial Operating System, a concept based on the book “Traction” by Gino Wickman.
EOS led to the establishment of Spiller’s Core Values, which provide a basic road map for everyone in the company.
Spiller’s six Core Values are: Dedicated and Committed; Is Accountable; Takes initiative; Does the Right Thing; Open and Honest; and Good Attitude.
“All organizations have their core values,” Spiller said. “These core values just need to be uncovered and communicated to all.”
The company started EOS at the beginning of 2012, so it’s been in place for 18 months.
“We have quarterly meetings where we set our 90-day goals—we call them ‘rocks,’ you know, ‘move the big rocks first’—and we have weekly management meetings,” Spiller said. “Right now we’re instituting weekly meetings at the store level, so the stores will all be on the same agenda. It makes sure we have the issues on the table.”
The values also have given the retailer consistent guidelines for hiring, firing and evaluating employees; and a framework for keeping everyone moving in the right direction. That’s especially important moving forward since Spiller Furniture runs a lot leaner than before, and if someone’s not pulling their weight, problems come up in a hurry.
The values are an all-or-nothing proposition for everyone at Spiller Furniture.
“If a particular employee doesn’t have one of the core values, we can do something,” Spiller said. “You get judged on those values three ways—you have it, you’re on the fence, or you don’t have it.
“If you don’t have it, we’ll counsel—there might be something going on at home and we’ll work with you—but you have to understand this is a business, and we need you to get on the bus.” HFB

From the Editor : A Changing Tide

No one ever said change was easy. In fact, for most, it’s human nature to resist change. We tend to get comfy and cozy with the status quo. At least until the status quo becomes so static and uncomfortable that we’re eager for a few changes. Then, look out because we’ll go searching for a better way.

Surely by now you’ve heard our news about Home Furnishings Business being acquired by Impact Consulting Services of Atlanta. If not, I’ll write it off as it being summer and vacations and the ever-revolving market cycle our industry has us plowing through. That’s a wee bit of change for the team here at the magazine; a change of which we’re all very welcoming.

Personally, I’ve known Bob George, the owner of Impact Consulting, for close to 20 years, which is when I first joined this crazy industry as a reporter. He and I have been sparring through interviews for years. He has great stories to share of our many conversations and the information gleaned; just ask him!

We’re still working to tie all of the loose ends together of, but once those are knotted, our readers can look forward to a more powerful, more informative read from Home Furnishings Business both in print and online. Due to our quick publishing schedule in July, we weren’t able to implement some of the enhancements we’ve got tucked up our sleeves. Here’s promising some beefed-up reporting and storytelling coming your way in September.
One noticeable change we were able to turn around for this issue was a beefed up version of “What Sells” on page 37. We’ve taken industry statistics and data that Impact’s FurnitureCore has gathered on the youth furniture market and combined the data with what retailers tell us are they’re top-selling items. The figures and data—information we didn’t have access to prior to our June buyout—make for a more powerful feature packed with useful information for our readers.
Look for more meatier “What Sells” features in future issues. This will become our footprint for the department.
The breadth of information available through FurnitureCore is mind-boggling. While the HFB team doesn’t have complete, unfettered access to the data available on FurnitureCore, we’re excited about the industry information we will be able to use to inform you. Our mantra has long been to provide useful insight into the industry to help our readers improve their businesses. That will not change.

You should know that I am still trying to convince Bob that more sharing of data is the better way to go. So far though, he’s not buying it!
The other aspect of information sharing that has me giddy is the ability FurnitureCore has to tap into the consumer and what she wants and needs from her home furnishings and the shopping experience. How darn cool is that?!? We’ll be able to field questions to your end consumer.
Home Furnishings Business has a fun, bright future ahead, and as always, I look forward to your input and your part of the industry’s conversation.


Publisher's Letter : Why a Magazine?

Let’s get that question behind us. Simply put, the mission of the Impact Consulting group of companies is to integrate information into the management process of furniture retailers and manufacturers in order to create high performance companies.

We have accomplished our mission through management consulting (Impact Consulting), market research (, performance groups (Impact Performance Groups), industry reports (Impact Reports), and now publishing (Home Furnishings Business). The acquisition of Home Furnishings Business will complete the spectrum of information delivery. The following graphic illustrates:

What is the Objective?
First, Home Furnishings Business will continue its commitment to journalistic integrity by publishing an unbiased perspective of what is happening in the industry.
What will change is the depth of our discussion. Our masthead has been changed slightly from “Strategy for the Furniture Retailer” to include all industry participants.

The fine line between manufacturer and retailer has increasingly blurred.
Next, using our proprietary industry databases and models, we will address the strategic issues facing the total industry. In order to frame the issues, we ask for participation from the industry—retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers. We will supply the research. Our mission is to initiate a true dialogue within the industry, and we invite you to be a part of this dialogue.

What is the Publisher’s Role?
A publisher’s role is not unlike that of a president of a company or a managing partner of a consulting firm.

In the case of a magazine, it encompasses the responsibility for all aspects of the periodical from creating content to transmitting the product via print or the Internet all within the parameters of generating a return on investment. Overlaying all of this is a commitment to pursuing a mission within the parameters of a code of ethics.

This is our pledge to our readers. We are confident that this commitment long term will be the foundation of our success.

As always, we ask for your input. Teaming our readers’ input with our industry knowledge and analysis will allow us to continue building a strong industry publication.

Do not hesitate to contact me with your comments. My e-mail address is

40 Under 40

A youthful slate of executives in furniture retail Make up the inaugural List.

The furniture retail business is often thought of as a more mature industry, and for the most part it is.
Sure, the youngsters among us in the market crowds, but often they’re hard to find.
Welcome to Home Furnishings Business’ 40 Under 40 list of retail movers and shakers who are making noise and leaving some fairly large footprints in some great retail operations.
The inaugural slate of nominees, chosen by their peers in furniture land, share a similar skill set built of leadership, determination, creativity, tenacity and great work ethic. Their youth fills them with great ideas of how to tackle industry-old problems, and those strategies are being implemented every day in retail operations across the landscape.
Kudos for their sticktoitiveness in convincing an older generation to adapt to a new toolbox for retail. That toolbox, after all, looks quite a bit different than the set available 40 years ago.
A few interesting tidbits as we were putting the final touches on the list.
Our 40 Under 40 varies from the third, fourth and even fifth generation players in the family business to those with an entrepreneurial spirit who saw a need and had the desire to create something new. They chose furniture retailing, and we should all embrace them.
The men outnumber women by 75 percent on the list. Maybe that’s because retail hours aren’t as family friendly as other work environments. It’s neither right nor wrong, just an observation.
Enjoy the list, enjoy the profiles and by all means, nominate someone next year. We all stay young when surrounded by smart, hard-working youth, and we can all learn from the youthful spirit they share with the industry.

Jim Navarra
Company: Jeromes Furniture
Position: Vice President
Jim is a third-generation retailer. He is been working in furniture his entire life. From sweeping floors as a kid, to running the marketing department, to now being vice president of the Jeromes Furniture. He represents the Jerome’s brand in word and deed both inside and outside the office. He received his undergrad from UCSB and his MBA from San Diego State. Jim has an amazing wife Stefanie and a 1-year-old son Henry. He has a dog named Penny who loves to go surfing with him early in the mornings. Jim represents the values the Jeromes Furniture brand is built upon. Upholding the integrity that goes along with that brand is key to both the business and the family name. His work ethic should be bottled and sold. Jim leads the way for everyone to be completely dedicated and engaged with his or her jobs. That type of passion is contagious and makes everyone around him better. In spite of his relative young age, Jim portrays an intuition about how to take care of the Jeromes customer and community that show wisdom beyond his years.

40 under 40

Mandy Jeffries
Company: Colfax Furniture
Position: Assistant General Manager
Mandy has her MBA and two undergraduate degrees in marketing and finance. Mandy has worked for Colfax Furniture for five years and has been a huge asset to the company. She brings a fresh perspective and morale to the company. She’s heavily active in all aspects of the company from merchandising, operations, sales, etc. Mandy has helped the company greatly reduce costs while bringing new ideas to increase sales. Mandy has also helped Colfax build a strong management team that will be a success going into the future.

40 under 40

Alex Macias
Company: Del Sol Furniture
Position: Vice President
Alex Macias, a graduate of Arizona State University’s W.P. Carey School of Business, is managing the family-owned retailer Del Sol Furniture alongside his sister and his parents. The retailer was founded in 1997 in a small, 2000-square-foot space inside a Phoenix shopping center. Since those early, humble days, Del Sol has added two stores to the family and a warehouse to serve the Phoenix market. Macias has jumped into the furniture industry whole-heartedly. He serves as a director for the newly created North American Home Furnishings Association and is active in the Next Generation-Now, a professional network for younger folks in the furniture industry.

40 under 40

Taylor Atchison
Company: Atchison Home
Position: Vice President of Operations
Taylor represents Atchison Home as a third-generation success. After Taylor graduated from the University of Alabama he moved back to Mobile, Ala., to join the family furniture business. He immediately stepped into his management and marketing position with ease and made phenomenal changes to the manner in which the store approached these operational areas. Taylor’s creativity, personality, and years of experience as a buyer during furniture markets in High Point, Atlanta, Belgium and Spain are just a start for this rising star.

40 under 40

Reggie Watts
Company: High Point Furniture
Position: Co-owner
Reggie, a psychology graduate from the University of Alabama, is the primary case goods and upholstery buyer for High Point Furniture. He also is heavily involved in merchandising and advertising. Since joining the company in May of 2000, Reggie has performed every task associated with operating a furniture store. He is continually on the hunt for new ways to improve operating efficiencies

40 under 40

Matt Huber
Company: Belfort Furniture
Position: Vice President Merchandising
A graduate of Brown University, Matt began working on the sales floor in his early 20s. As vice president of merchandising, one of his key initiatives has been leading the consumer experience and e-commerce efforts on Belfort Furniture’s Web site. In addition to ensuring consumers have the best online experience possible, Matt works tirelessly to identify and develop private label merchandise to set the retailer apart in the Northern Virginia retail landscape. Other key roles Matt is active in include directing the retailer’s commitment to sustainable practices and incorporating those ideals into the company’s merchandising strategy all while tying together a refined on-trend direction for product direction.

40 under 40

John Wright
Company: HW Home
Position: Director of Visual Merchandising
John Wright is an great visual merchandiser and a very talented interior designer. With a background in theater and the arts, John attends High Point Furniture Market twice a year, with the owners, helping select product assortment for the stores. He also helps plan out all three showroom floor resets and is constantly changing the look with fresh incoming product. John also works on many of the larger commercial and residential projects both inside and outside of the U.S. He designs floor plans, makes furniture and art selections and then flies out for the installations. He is dependable, personable, dedicated, and a wonderful co-worker and friend.

40 under 40

Bo Coconis
Company: Coconis Furniture
Position: Casegood Buyer and Assistant Sales Manager
Bo grew up in the business working in the warehouse at an early age. Every summer and winter break from school, he would come help out and learn the business from the ground up. During his college career at at Ohio State University, Bo was captain of the golf team during the 2007-08 season, and went on to play professional golf for a few years following college. Upon returning from the links, came back to the store in 2010. Since that time, he has climbed the ladder from warehouse to floor display to assistant buyer to case goods buyer and assistant sales manager. As part of the Sales Manager group of more than a dozen sales managers from across the country, Bo participates in regular idea exchange meetings. He participates in four markets a year, the Furniture First symposium and the NHFA annual conference. As a member of Next Generation Now, he thrives on connecting with other passionate members of the furniture industry.

40 under 40

Nick Gates
Company: Gates Home Furnishings, Grants Pass, Ore.
Current Position: Sales Manager
Nick is the fourth generation in the family-owned business, Gates Home Furnishings. The store is a member of the North American Home Furnishings Association and Furniture 1st. He is also a board member for Next Generation Now, the industry’s professional networking group for the under-40 set. Nick strives to get the best out of his sales people and is working to bring new ways of using technology to sell furniture at Gates.

40 under 40

Kyle Johansen
Company: HOM Furniture, Coon Rapids, Minn.
Current position: Merchandise Manager
From a young age Kyle had an entrepreneurial spirit. He started his own business at the age of 8 by taking sports cards and putting them into framed art and selling them to parents and grand parents at craft shows (He “rented” part of his mother’s booth). Each frame was customized with the sports players requested by clients. He did this for several years until he was old enough to work on his own, and then Kyle traveled around the state doing shows with product he leased from his mother’s inventory. He also created her wholesale Web site, worked as a sales associate at her retail store and sold wholesale at trade shows around the country. In 2004 he held a summer internship at The Brick Group in Edmonton, Canada, as a purchasing and marketing intern. The following year, he was a summer intern at The Brick in its Shanghai China office working as a product sourcing manager for the retailer’s First Oceans division. Kyle joined HOM in 2003 in showroom support; the following year he was recognized as a top sales writer. Kyle’s level of responsibilities have continued to increase. His impact has been felt throughout the years in a number of key events for HOM. Kyle assisted in the acquisition of Gabberts and managed the acquisition in 2008 of Seasonal Concepts and the subsequent integration of the brand into all locations. In 2010, Kyle assisted in the creation of the retailer’s Dock86 Brand, which has taken off. As merchandise manager, Kyle helps set the product selection and feel of the HOM floors.

40 under 40

Laura Crowley
Company: Crowley Furniture
Position: General Manager
Laura Crowley stepped into work at the family-owned Crowley Furniture 10 years ago and is described as a “complete dynamo.” With her dedication, enthusiasm, and hard work the company was able to expand from one to three stores all during the recession that the furniture industry has experienced over the last five years. Laura is instrumental in helping keep every aspect of the store on track by focusing on the metrics for each area and working to make sure the retailer is performing at its peak level. Under her care, the retailer’s warehouse, sales team and the office work as a cohesive unit. The common goal—ensure profitability all while offering consumers a great shopping experience. Laura is also the best buyer the store has ever had. Not just because she picks out current trends, but because her astute listening skills when chatting with consumers gives her the needed insight to anticipate consumer needs.

40 under 40

Elana Stone
Company: BedMart NW
Position: Vice President of Marketing
Growing up in the family mattress business, Elana Stone first started as a mattress rack climber at the age of five. By 14, she was working in the BedMart office as corporate support and eventually became an asset to the sales team, earning a position as a top salesperson for the company. Elana attended Oregon State University and worked for a stint with an advertising agency and later held a post with a media-buying group. By working with local clients to create media exposure and marketing messages, Elana realized her passion was in business management. Her father recognized Elana’s strengths and asked her to come back to the family business to assist him. Bedmart opened nine locations that year. As Bedmart’s vice president of marketing and spokeswoman for the brand, Elana oversees all marketing activities, and focuses on action-oriented advertising, targeted to increase retail door swings and brand awareness within Oregon and Southwest Washington. She has developed key messaging, creative budgeting, and capitalized on market trends to help BedMart’s market share grow in the Pacific Northwest.

40 under 40

Sarah Phillips
Company: Weekends Only
Position: Lead Buyer
Sarah is lead buyer at Weekends Only and is responsible for the highly coveted, yet challenging categories of outdoor, fabric and leather sofas, sectionals and chairs. Armed with her business degree from St. Louis University, Sarah started her career on the manufacturing side of the industry, splitting three years between Lane and Alan White before joining the family business nine years ago. She spent two years in the stores learning from customers and employees that a great presentation can have a huge impact. Since then, Phillips has been a leader on the buying team that helped grow the business into one of the nation’s top 100 furniture companies. One of her favorite things to do is to get to know her peers in the industry to learn more about different perspectives to round out her knowledge and contribute to her buying acumen. She participates in advertising strategy meetings, making sure her categories are properly represented and that the company puts its best foot forward.

40 under 40

Darioush Yaraghi
Company: Safavieh Home Furnishings (10 retail)
Position: Vice President
A graduate of Boston College with a dual major in finance and marketing, Darioush graduated from New York Law school in with a concentration in real estate law. As a teenager, Darioush worked in Safavieh’s Westbury, Long Island, store during school breaks and on weekends. After law school he joined the company full time as regional manager of New Jersey and New York. He was subsequently promoted to vice president of Safavieh Home. Darioush has been a creative force in repositioning Safavieh Home Furnishings galleries on the local and national levels. Darioush created an e-commerce Web site that allows customers from across the country to purchase Safavieh’s retail assortment of rugs and furniture directly. Sales have doubled online every quarter since its launch in 2012. His entrepreneurial spirit is directly responsible for the retailer’s first line of couture furniture that ships across the country to customers of Safavieh’s online and brick-and-mortar stores. This continues to expand Safavieh’s reach nationwide. Darioush oversaw the redesign of the chain’s showrooms to provide a friendlier, fresher customer experience, opening the brand up to a younger demographic. He led installation of an inventory management/POS system to improve overall logistics. In addition to his business contributions, Darioush has been committed to using Safavieh’s resources to help local communities. During Hurricane Sandy, for example, he spearheaded a program to donate more than $50,000 of furniture to victims.

40 under 40

Michael Forwood Jr.
Company: Louis Shanks of Texas
Position: Store Manager of Austin
(Flagship store)
Michael joined Louis Shanks of Texas in September of 2008 after graduating from Baylor University and spending his summers training at the company. He has distinguished himself in the various management roles he has held through consistent sales growth achievement. Michael, at a young age, has earned the respect and loyalty of the staff he has managed by his own work ethic. Known as a fair, even-handed manager who has genuine concern for his people, Michael has set the tone for the store’s operations. Michael is also involved in the marketing and merchandising of the Louis Shanks organization.

40 under 40

Seth Weisblatt
Company: Sam’s Furniture & Appliances
Position: Vice President of Sales and Advertising
Seth is the third generation owner of Sam’s, started in 1946 by Seth’s grandfather, Sam Weisblatt . Seth is a certified Google AdWords professional and has used a powerful Web presence and a shift to online advertising to help bring the lease-to-own superstore into the digital age. Seth has worked with his dad and 93-year-old grandmother since 1993, and in 2012 the company opened its first new location in Dallas County, Texas. Seth brings a new level of excitement and direction to the business and the industry. By modernizing the marketing and advertising for an established company, Sam’s has seen marked growth and profitability. Seth also serves on the board of directors for the newly formed NAHFA organization.

40 under 40

Michael Faber
Company: Royal Furniture
Position: Owner
Michael joined his family’s Royal Furniture Co. in 2003 following a three-year stint with Credit Suisse in New York. The third-generation owner is keeping the retailer in check with his financial background. Founded in 1946 in downtown Memphis, Royal has nine stores, including three gallery stores, and reaches into six states. Under Michael’s leadership, Royal takes an active role in the community and follow sustainable habits in recycling. Additionally, the store invests time, finances and talent into a number of local organizations, including the Susan G. Komen foundation and local athletic programs and facilities.

40 under 40

Andy Jarski
Company: Mountain Comfort Furnishings & Design
Position: Owner/Consultant
At 28, Andy opened his first Mountain Comfort in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. In 2007, he added the Mountain Comfort in Truckee, Calif. A few years ago, the Mountain Comfort store was voted “Best Furniture” store in the area. Andy successfully sold the Coeur d’Alene store in 2012 and is now focused on two stores in Truckee and Frisco. His suppliers think highly of his business practices. Andy is viewed as an innovator and as a forward-thinking businessman who is a man of his word.

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Lael Thompson
Company: Broyhill of Denver
Position: COO
Lael Thompson is currently chief operations officer of Broyhill Home Collections in Aurora, Colo. Formerly he helped manage Sonshine Furniture, started in 1983 by Lael’s parents as an unfinished furniture store. In 2004 Sonshine Furniture reinvented itself as a dedicated Broyhill store. Described as tenacious, Lael has served on the board of directors for the former Western Home Furnishings Association for 10 years. The industry has watched Lael grow up in the business learning various aspects of furniture retailing—service, merchandising, employee management, marketing and operations.

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Noah Tepperman
Company: Tepperman’s Furniture
Position: Secretary, Treasurer
As a third-generation owner manager of Tepperman’s Furniture, Noah Tepperman works with his brother to run the 88-year-old retail operation. The foundation of the company is strong, and the generation is moving it forward with a well-planned strategy. Noah joined the company as director of customer care and now directs the company as its secretary and treasurer. As part of his duties, he’s beefed up the retailer’s social media presence and taken it to a whole new level. There’s Twitter, Facebook, a YouTube channel and a blog that features a myriad of things from trends to the retailer’s charitable and volunteer work. Giving back to the community and helping those in need are key elements of the retailer’s business plan. Noah is no stranger to participating and putting his stamp on good causes. He’s involved in a number of community organizations including The Windsor Regional Hospital’s Foundation Board of Directors, a local poverty reduction strategy board named Pathway 2 Potential, the Jewish National Fund of Windos and Kids Kicking Cancer Canada Board of Directors. He’s even taken part in a local Dancing with the Local Stars to help out the community. For real. Go to YouTube and search for it. It’s worth the look.

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Boris Cybul
Company: Crown Furniture & Electronics and Estrella
Position: Owner and CEO
Boris Cybul dropped out of high school before graduating, to enter the business world. Boris started a pawn shop business, Estrella, at age 18, in 2001, selling wares out of his car. The immediate success of this business allowed Boris to open a home furnishings business, Crown Furniture & Electronics, specializing in in-house financing in his native Aruba. Estrella has grown to six locations while Crown now operates four retail stores and a modern distribution center. Further expansion, both in Aruba, as well as other islands, is being considered. Boris remains the sole owner and CEO of both businesses. Boris actively participates in many industry conferences and seminars and is a member of a home furnishings performance group. Boris opened the first Crown store in a rented building, selling appliances and electronics with one employee. A second store was opened, in 2005, to enable Crown to sell furniture. With more than 90 employees, including 35 salespersons and 12 collectors, Boris is planning a major expansion.

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Jaime Wasser
Company: Wasser’s Exclusive Furniture & Interiors
Position: Vice President
While Jaime Wasser has only been involved in Wasser’s Exclusive Furniture & Interiors, her family business for the past few years, her impact has already been tremendous. Working previously in the fashion industry with Perry Ellis , she brought her experience home to Hallandale Beach, Fla., where she put it to use at Wasser’s Furniture. Jaime joined the family business in 2010, and has been traveling to furniture markets with her father and brother. In addition to leaving her stamp on product the store sells, Jaime is also making her presence known on social media, including a blog. In her spare time, Jaime volunteers her and the showroom for charitable events for such organizations like the Florida Israeli Defense Fund.

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Jeff Selik
Company: Hillside Furniture
Position: President
Jeff Selik is like the Energizer bunny of the furniture industry. He has more energy and enthusiasm for furniture retail than most, and it’s contagious. Take the time and spend a bit of time with him; he’s fun, smart and eager to share his knowledge. Jeff grew up in the business at Hillside Furniture. After graduating from the University of Michigan, he went to work at the store as the merchandising assistant. From there, he learned the ins and outs of the operation by working in every department to understand how the business flowed. Today, he oversees all of Hillside’s operation, including buying, advertising and sales training. As an active member of the Contemporary Design Group, Jeff heads up the 33-member buying group’s innovation and technology committee.

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Becca Blumkin Sudbeck
Company: Nebraska Furniture Mart
Position: Senior Bedding and Bedroom Buyer
Becca Blumkin Sudbeck started part time at Nebraska Furniture Mart in 1998, and since then she has held a number of positions — cashier, sales associate and a number of other posts before landing in her current post. Becca was part of the planning team to open the Nebraska Furniture Mart store in Kansas City, and then moved to the merchandising department in 2006. She’s been an accessories buyer and is now the senior bedding and bedroom buyer. Throughout her various positions in merchandising, Becca has delivered a fresh perspective to merchandising at the retailer—first in accessories and now in case goods and bedding. In both departments, Becca expanded into new profitable categories such as top of bed and seasonal items. She’s successful by bringing new ideas, strong leadership and developing sharp talented teams. When Becca rebuilt the accessory department with a new vendor structure, it resulted in a significant sales increase. With new marketing ideas in bedding, she has increased the percentage of the department’s business to overall store sales. She also successfully helped developed the first and only Tempur-pedic store within a store.

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Josh Tatelman
Company: Jordan’s Furniture
Title: Vice President of Merchandising
Josh Tatelman is carrying on a lengthy family legacy at Taunton, Mass.-based Jordan’s Furniture. Josh is a member of the fourth-generation of the Jordan’s founding family. Currently, vice president of merchandising for the growing retailer, Josh has been with the company since 2000. He has a full plate and continues to add to his project list. Josh has created exit strategies in order to move aging inventory to reduce lost sales, created a Furniture Factory Outlet that offers consumers one-time buys and has optimized the use of sales data reporting at the retailer’s stores. Josh spearheaded the integration and partnership with non-furniture retailers, like Paul’s T.V. and Walpole Woodworkers, a fencing company, to give consumers easy access to all things related to home. His projects continue to add value both to the retailer’s bottom line and to the consumer making Jordan’s its go-to destination for home furnishings. Under Josh’s guidance and leadership, Jordan’s has streamlined the replacement of products to ensure optimal selection for the consumer by offering multiple styles and price points, which in turn has increased turn rates. The merchandise department has been restructured allowing for reduced staffing needs. The company’s fifth store—a 90,000-square-foot space in a Warwick, Mass., mall—was opened under his leadership. Josh’s hands-on approach in training started with the creating of a specialized training courses for all new hires. The courses ensure new employees have a solid foundation in upholstery and case goods product knowledge prior to selling in the showroom. Josh’s zest for Kaizen philosophy of to improve internal processes and keep prices lower for consumers led him to optimize domestic trucking, which reduced freight costs. Jordan’s is known as one of the industry’s most creative promoters frequently offering consumers the chance for free furniture depending on the success of the Boston Red Sox. Sales and merchandising promotions that Josh has created and made successful include the Power Play packages, City Scale created for smaller living spaces, 21 and 21 and the Choices Program. Looking ahead, Jordan’s will be moving into a new market with a planned store in New Haven, Conn., to open by 2015. Josh’s fingerprints will surely be seen in the Connecticut market.

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David D’Ambrosio
Company: Redefined Home Boutique
Position: Owner/Founder
David D’Ambrosio took an old, run-down car mechanic’s garage in Atlanta and transformed it into a super-chic industrial-styled retail space. He did this just as the economy was tanking in 2008, and he has survived. He does this by carrying a variety of home goods in his store. He has products ranging in price from $10 to $10,000. David has a great eye for well-designed products, and he also mixes in carefully selected antiques into his product line. David is a master of display. He holds a bachelors of fine arts from American InterContinental University and has a long list of accolades in the design community. David knew he wanted to open a retail store that inspired its viewers. The original concept for the store stayed true to form with a vast mix of one-of-a-kinds, unique, well-made furniture and beautiful art. Once the location in Atlanta was discovered, the concept was off and running, and Redefined was born.

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Ryan Blumkin
Company: Nebraska Furniture Mart
Position: Real Estate Development Manager
Ryan Blumkin’s background in commercial real estate is no doubt a treasured asset for Nebraska Furniture Mart. The retailer is on track to expand its base into the Dallas market with a superstore set to open in the spring of 2015. Ryan is the point person the retailer’s expansion into The Colony, Texas. Involved with the market and site selection and now the building of the 1.85 million-square-foot store, Ryan has rolled up his sleeves and is more than elbow-deep in the project. He is currently working with the city, builders, external and internal contacts to bring this project to completion. Nebraska Furniture Mart of Texas will be the first anchor of the 433-acre mixed-use development known as Grandscape. As part of building this entire project Ryan will also work to attract national tenants that are good neighbors for NFM.

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Kyle De Young
Company: De Young Interiors
Position: Sales Manager
Kyle De Young wears a few hats at the 87-year-old De Young Interiors. As sales manager, the fourth-generation family member keeps a close eye on the sales team, but he also has a keen design instinct. A graduate of Savannah College of Art & Design, Kyle holds a degree in visual communications with a concentration in design. Kyle’s youth has helped bridge the generational gap with consumers, and the store is now seeing younger customers come through the door to shop. In addition to his sales management post, Kyle uses his design degree to help create product. He sits on Whittier Wood Furniture’s design committee, where he’s had some impact on final product design.

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Anna Ruby
Company: J Banks Design
Position: Vice President of Creative
Anna has been with Hilton Head, S.C.-based J Banks Design for 13 years. She served as executive assistant to the president, Joni Vanderslice , where Vanderslice mentored her to understand and execute the overall brand vision for the company. Vanderslice also guided the development of Ruby’s creative talents as they worked together on a number of high-end luxury hospitality projects where Ruby served as a design assistant. As Ruby’s career progressed she was promoted to creative director, taking on the primary role of sales, marketing and public relations for the company. When J Banks opened a new building with a retail store included, Ruby was named vice president of creative, expanding her role at the company to include retail brand management and primary buyer. In her position, Anna is responsible for establishing and directing the entire sales and marketing strategy for the firm. Under Anna’s management, the retail store was awarded with the 2012 ARTS Award for Best Home Accents Store—East/Atlantic Region.

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Jason Brager
Company: The Sofa Store
Position: General Manager
Jason Brager wrapped up business school at the University of Maryland in 2004 and walked into the furniture industry as the general manager of The Big Screen Store. The Big Screen Store is the last independently owned chair of retail electronics in the Virginia and Maryland region and it operates 14 locations in its market. After growing The Big Screen Store, Jason embarked on another task—overseeing the opening of the 50,000-square-foot custom furniture store dubbed The Sofa Store. Known for its extensive selection of upholstery from two select vendors, Jason, general manager, was instrumental in the design and layout of the Towson, Md., store, which opened last year. Jason also took the lead role in developing all components of operations ranging from the sales strategy and marketing to staff hiring.

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Marissa Forwood Kashani
Company: Louis Shanks of Texas
Position: Buyer, Merchandise Director
Marissa began at Louis Shanks in a training role in June of 2009 and was quickly promoted to the position of merchandising director for the Louis Shanks Design Studio. In this position, she has distinguished herself posting large annual sales increases and having the Studio recognized as a state-of-the-art component of the largest high-end company in Texas. Marissa has now taken on marketing and merchandising for various components for the entire organization.

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Will Daughtrey
Company: Badcock Home Furniture &more
Position: Category Manager, Youth and Adult Bedroom and Dining Room
As a fifth generation Badcock family member, Will has been involved in the Badcock business from the age of 14. He grew up knowing this was his family business, and he knew early he wanted to be a vital part of its growth. In between graduating from Clemson University and earning his M.B.A. from the University of Florida, Will worked for FKQ Advertising in Florida. After college, Will spent two years in a Badcock training program that encompassed all departments of the business. After completing the training program, Will spent a year in supply chain as a replenishment buyer. He found his true talent in the merchandising department as buyer/category manager for youth bedroom, occasional, home office, entertainment and rugs. Because of his successes, he spent one year as buyer/category manager for electronics and appliances, and now is in charge of adult and youth bedroom and dining room. During his first year as buyer/category manager of youth, Will saw huge increases as the youth category blossomed under his leadership. Will’s creativity in advertising, store layout and product selection, along with his leadership and price negotiation skills, led to unprecedented increases in sales and profits for the company.

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Lenny Kharitonov
Company: Unlimited Furniture Group
Position: President and Co-Founder
In the furniture industry for 19 years, Lenny worked as a partner and -operator of Hillside Bedding’s Brooklyn location and as a managing partner for Citywide Furniture before co-founding Unlimited Furniture Group in 2004. Lenny co-founded the company with Thomas Corrales in 2004. He currently leads the management team, oversees all daily operations, and works with the sales team to expand the customer base.

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Heather Hanley
Company: The Tin Roof
Position: Owner
Heather Hanley grabs opportunity and has a tendency to run full-speed with it. The owner of Spokane, Wash.-based Concept Home and sister store The Tin Roof opened Concept Home in 2008 to fill a void in the area’s contemporary home furnishings offerings. The Tin Roof was started by Heather’s parents; when she returned home from California, she took over the operation. Concept Home’s 5,000-square-foot mark is distinctly contemporary, while The Tin Roof speaks to the more traditional consumers in the market. Heather, jazzed by the opportunity of filling a contemporary gap in the Spokane market led to the creative of Concept Home. From there, Hanley located a downtown building perched among the city’s art galleries—the perfect spot for the hip, urban home furnishings style she wanted to bring to the city’s landscape.

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Mark A . Mueller
Company: Mueller Furniture Co.
Position: Co-Owner/General Manager
Mark Mueller is a former collegiate and professional baseball player, and he takes much of the dedication needed to play the sport and incorporates it into the business of selling furniture. As the driving force behind The Sleep Sanctuary, Mueller Furniture’s mattress store within a store, Mark was instrumental in nearly tripling the retailer’s bedding sell in a year’s time. He has also developed the company’s Web site into a 24/7 lead generator, giving Mueller’s existing customers a more convenient shopping experience, increasing the frequency of store visits, and acquiring new customers from online searches. Mark also manages all of Mueller’s advertising campaigns and budgets, which has led to substantial sales increases and decreasing ad spending as a percentage of sales.

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Travis Garrish
Company: Forma Furniture
Position: President
Travis Garrish and his wife Dee Ann Garrish saw the need for a retailer of contemporary and Scandinavian home furnishings when they moved to Fort Collins, Colo. A relative newcomer to the furniture business, Travis and Dee Ann hung out the shingle for Forma Furniture in 2004. Dee Ann’s family was involved in selling and importing Danish furniture back in the 1970s, so there is a bit of a connection. Travis’ merchandising strategy is pure and straight to the point—if he would not want a piece in his home, then it shouldn’t be in the on the showroom floor. Quality, great design and incredible customer service make up his mantra for furniture retailing.

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Kenny Luthy
Company: Suburban Furniture & Mattress
Position: General Manager
Kenny is a young leader in the furniture business who exemplifies what is great about the industry. As general manager of Succasunna, N.J.-based Suburban Furniture & Mattress, Kenny is hardworking, passionate and dedicated to his business. Suburban is a family-owned retailer that has been operating in the Northern New Jersey area for more than 50 years. Kenny is a member of the Style Trend Buying Group and participates in a number of trade groups to share information among retailers around the country. Kenny’s staff is very seasoned with very little turnover, which is a testimony to his leadership.

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