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Monthly Issue

From Home Furnishing Business

Looking Back to Look Forward

By: Sheila Long O'Mara

As we tie the bow on the last issue of 2014 and eagerly look forward to 2015, I have to say I’m feeling a bit nostalgic. It’s an odd, overwhelming feeling for a sometimes leather tough one like me.

The husband just gives me a funny look. The boys? Well, they dish out a lot of hugs, and toss out hilarious quips about off-the-wall subjects that ensure a cacophony of laughter. Mostly, however, the family—all with the attention span of gnats—grins and graciously puts up with all of my remember whens.

I don’t think I’m all that different than many other people, consumers if you will, who are looking to freeze a snapshot of their family’s history. Their family’s story.

Walking through our home and stepping through the threshold of any room, I spy something—sometimes several somethings—that trigger beautiful memories from years past.

My grandparents’ four-poster bedroom suite, a gift to me from an aunt who knew it was an important part of my history growing up lucky enough to have grands living close by. That bedroom group, now lovingly tucked away in our guest room, can awaken memories of early Saturday morning snuggles with my MaMa while my PaPa cooked a big ol’ country breakfast. Millions of books were read and countless teeth were pulled all while sitting on that bed in that very sunny room.

The cozy club chair that resides in our den by the hearth has held me while I held little ones safely through many long nights of sick cuddles. You know the ones I’m talking about—those 1 a.m. wake-up calls from high fevers. The nights requiring all-nighters not only for the child’s comfort, but also for the parent’s peace of mind. The chair, by the way, has been reupholstered several times now, but the memories, along with the springs, remain.

There are old quilts made for very young me by my other grandmother, pictures and a slew of tangible items. The cast-iron skillet and the old cookie press, both of which have survived a few generations. All of those treasures are intermingled with newer home furnishings, each with a story of its own. Sofas where all five of us jockey for his favorite spot during movie nights. The dog’s favorite rug, and the youngest one’s spot curled up right next to her. The lamps that share warmth and light on a winter’s eve.

Homes help create memories for families. Home furnishings help turn houses into homes for those families. Our industry has that much power!

As we wrap up the year and set our sights on the next year’s goals and promises, that power is an interesting nugget to keep in mind.

Happy nostalgic holidays to all of our readers, and here’s to a beautiful, prosperous next year.

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