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Monthly Issue

From Home Furnishing Business

Romance Sleep


A fairy tale offers the happy ending of a full 40 winks.


by Sheila Long O’mara

Once upon a time, there was  a busy mom of three boys on the prowl for the perfect bed. Far from a princess but not quite a hobo, this mom craved the fairy tale ending of a peaceful, complete, restorative night’s sleep.


A night filled with sweet dreams, soft pillows and crisp sheets. An early morning awakening met with the surprise of a full 40 winks and the energy that only a full night’s sleep can deliver. Pure bliss, right?


Mattresses and the right marriage of such has the magical power of giving consumers that happy ending (get your mind out of the gutter) at the end of a long day at work.

This month’s Home Furnishings Business delves into the bedding category and how to capture consumers on the hunt for a new mattress. Speaking to them in terms that matter and helping them solve an important problem—sleep deprivation—can create life-long customers.

Everyone needs a sleep surface. It’s the one sure category in our industry that consumers seem to be constantly in the market for.


In the O’Mara house of five, it’s a revolving cycle as to whose bed is up for replacement.  By my count, I’m pretty certain it’s the master bedroom’s turn in the rotation.

When you see me walk through the door, just go ahead and toss a fluffy blanket in my direction and allow me to nap my way through the mattress selection. Personal experience has shown me mattress selection isn’t a quick, in-and-out process.

Once I’ve made my way through the store acting like a modern-day Goldilocks, I’ll be ready and eager to discuss the benefits of each of my narrowed down choices. All the while through my naps, I’ll be dreaming of the perfect bed on which to sleep over the next eight years.


I’m not that different from any other customer that walks through your door. Sometimes the technical specs bore me, and sometimes the idle chit chat can be too much.

Romance it just a bit. Tell me a story of how sleep can improve my health. Studies show sleep makes you feel better, work smarter, more creative, live longer and have a healthier sex life. Who can argue with any of that?


Best of luck in selling sleep. Remember it’s not always about the price tag. Many folks would sell their first born for better sleep health.


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