June 19,
2014 by in Casual Furniture, Industry, Special Events
The International Casual Furnishings Association (ICFA) has named William S. Brown Sr. and Fred Schlesinger the 2014 recipients of the casual industry’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
June 19,
2014 by in Financial Reports, Furniture Retailing, Industry
Home furnishings retailer Pier 1 Imports (NYSE: PIR) net income of $15.1 million for the first quarter ended May 31 compared to $20.3 million during the prior year period.
June 19,
2014 by in Furniture Retailing, Industry, Store Openings
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams plans to open a company store in Denver, Colo., next week.
June 19,
2014 by in Industry, Special Events
The late Albert David Maslia will be named the GHTA/Gift for Life Honor of Excellence recipient at the fifth annual ICON HONORS celebration Thursday, July 10 at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis.
June 18,
2014 by in Designer Weekly
Interior designer Perla Lichi announces her latest expansion, the opening of a new 6,000-square-foot office and design showroom in Dubai.
June 18,
2014 by in Designer Weekly
A new multi-purpose chair range designed by British designer, Mark Gabbertas, has been unveiled by Boss Design.
June 18,
2014 by in Designer Weekly
As the flash-sale space peters out, Fab has recently begun transitioning, pivoting away from its earlier model, in which it resold items made by others, into a company that sells its own line of designer goods.