January/February 2014

It’s a rare athlete who’s at the top of his or her game every time the clock starts or the first pitch is thrown....
Salary or commission, or some combination thereof? How you pay your salespeople is a question of your store environment, traffic and how your sales approach fits your business goals. ...
Formal dining rooms and casual dining areas are being used for things other than simply eating and sharing meals....
Re-invention is a tradition at the Topeka, Kan., Furniture Mall of Kansas, which opened this past Labor Day weekend....
October 2001. Anyone who was there might remember that High Point Market as something of an out-of-body experience...
With issues such as formaldehyde emissions from furniture and hazardous fire retardants in upholstery and mattresses making headlines, consumers are indeed more concerned about environmentally conscious purchasing when it comes to home furnishings...
If you think paying attention to sustainability is more trouble than it’s worth at your store, be aware that retailers with far-flung operations believe it’s an investment in the future....
Once upon a time in a cozy home in the suburbs, there lived a consumer couple who was eager for a better night’s sleep.....
No doubt about it, home furnishings markets are big around our industry. It’s a biannual marathon that keeps every one of us in planes, trains and automobiles skirting bouncing from Atlanta to Dallas to Las Vegas to Tupelo...
This adage has been a constant admonishment to me during the course of my career. Those for whom I have had the pleasure to work know that we are constantly exploring ways to approach the home furnishings business......